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Nicki POV

"What!" Em yelled, turning on me from the shower's edge. I shrugged and shook my head.

"Not sure what the fuck else I'm supposed to believe, considering you wouldn't answer my calls or texts, didn't come see me before or after my set, and clearly didn't want to fuckin' see me after yours," I replied.

"No," Em said, his jaw tight. "We're not fucking done," he continued.

"Then," I replied distinctly. "What. The. Fuck. Is. Wrong?"

Em closed his eyes and tilted his head back to the ceiling, his hands on his hips. He was naked as the day he was born, but I was trying to ignore it. I needed to focus. Something was really fucking off and it was driving me insane, not knowing what it was. 

"I came to your goddamn rehearsals," he said, lowering his head back down to stare in my eyes. I frowned as I looked at him.

"You never come," I stated. He nodded and twisted his lips.

"Yeah," he said. When he didn't say anything else, I shook my head.

"So?" I asked, crossing my arms. This monosyllabic bullshit was getting old.

"So," he said, rolling his jaw. "I didn't fuckin' appreciate seeing those motherfucking dancers with their hands all over you," he ground out.

"You're kidding me," I replied. Only, as I looked at him, the physical clues were all coming together. He wasn't pissed in the normal, angry sense. He was furiously fucking jealous.

"Do I look like I'm doing stand-up?" he countered, his tone hard.

Shaking my head, I ran my tongue over my teeth and breathed deeply. That attitude was about standing on my last damn nerve, but jumping his ass would only escalate this. And, for as much as I'd put the words out there, I didn't want us to be over. I'd fallen for the aggressive, smart, funny, sexy, and presently dumbfuck man.

"You know that shit is nothin'," I said softly, trying to bring down the volume in the room. I stepped closer, getting in his space and raising my hands to his chest. "Nothin', baby," I reiterated.

Em's eyes closed and his hands moved from his hips to mine. He pulled me close and breathed deeply as he put his head in my hair. For several minutes, we stood like that, the water in the shower still running as we just held each other.

"I know," he finally said, his voice rough. "I know you aren't cheating," he continued. "I know that you're playing a role – I could see it up there," he explained. "But, that shit got in my head, Nic," he whispered.

"I don't want anyone's hands on you but mine," he admitted. "I know it makes me a fuckin' psycho, but that's why I disappeared today. I had to get the fuck away from people so I didn't ram my fist through their goddamn teeth."

I snuggled into him, moving my head to rest against his chest. Em's heart was beating hard, like when he ran or worked out. His breathing was still accelerated. He was riled, but he was trying to calm down as his hands were stroking up and down my back.

"I love you," I whispered. I felt his breath stutter and his hands still. Leaning back, I looked in his eyes as his searched mine.

"Say it again," he demanded softly, still watching me. I didn't hesitate.

"I love you."

Em pounced then, his hands coming around to grab my face as he devoured my mouth. Passion flicked to life as I returned his kiss, my hands wandering now over his naked body. He walked me back through the door of the bathroom to the dressing room, angling me to the couch as our mouths stayed fused.

When he lifted his head up, his lips held the smile that I'd only ever seen him give to me. Although his eyes were full of fire, there was tenderness and a softness to them, too. And, as he looked at me, he spoke.

"I love you," he said, his voice husky. I grinned and bit my lip, reaching around him to squeeze his ass.

"Shut off that water and then prove it."


Hours later, Em and I were still prone on the couch of his dressing room. Several times, our phones had rung and people had come pounding on the door, but we'd ignored it. Instead, we'd stayed tangled up in each other. When the head of security called through the paneling of the door, we had to move.

"Sir!" he called. "We're concerned about your safety! If you don't answer, we're going to have to enter!" he warned.

"You come through that door, asshole," Em called back. "And you won't like the results!"

"Em," I sighed and he shook his head.

"Nah," he replied. "I'm naked with my girl and she is, too. He walks in here without permission and I'm within my rights to beat his ass."

"Or, we could just go back to the hotel?" I offered, cocking a look at him. He huffed and stood, grabbing his pants and tugging them on before stomping over to the door. He glanced to make sure I was covered and then opened it a crack.

"Not in the mood," he said to the man on the other side.

"Sir," the guy returned. "We're just trying to ensure that you and Ms. Minaj are alright," he explained.

"Nic," Em called from the door, keeping his eyes on the man opposite him. "You should speak up before I lose my damn temper."

"I'm good!" I yelled, laughing around it. Marshall's tone was so overtly male and aggravated right now, I was struggling to breathe.

"Not funny, baby," he said, his gaze turning to me. I shrugged and winked, holding up my thumb and index finger.

"It's a little funny," I replied. He rolled his eyes and then looked back out the cracked door.

"You satisfied?" Em demanded.

"Um, yes, sir," the man said.

"Good," Em responded. "Tell our security we'll be out in about ten minutes."

With that instruction, Em shut and locked the door again. He shook his head slightly before turning to me. His expression was so adorable I couldn't help it – I jumped on him and kissed his neck.

Em's arms came around me as he tilted his head away, giving me more access. Feeling playful, I nipped his skin before sucking on it. He groaned as he moved us back to the couch.

"More," he demanded, pulling me down on top of him. I repeated the caress as I felt his hands slide up my top, which I'd pulled on before he opened the door. He tugged it off and scooted down the cushions, pulling my right nipple in between his lips.

"Fuck," I moaned as I clutched at his head. He murmured in approval as his palms gripped my ass.

"We're supposed to be leaving in ten minutes," I breathed, my voice shaky. Em grunted, but didn't stop. Instead, he moved to my other side as his hands stroked up my back.

"Em?" I whispered, moaning a little when he scraped his teeth over me. In response, he turned us, pressing me into the cushions of the couch as he moved up to my neck and ground his hips into me.

"They can wait."

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