A thousand years | J.J.K

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The traffic light turned red making the vehicles jerk to a stop and with it the flow of breeze and the birds flying high above had also thrown away their motive. Everything was suddenly at a loss of its motion except for Y/N and her ex boyfriend Jungkook who were standing facing each other. Their mouths were hanging in surprise, their hands were holding a single sheet of paper.

A sudden rush of buried feelings emerged from the depth of their hearts, overtaking and consuming their present self. Their hands shaked with fear, their bodies had gone numb with a piercing pain in their chests. It felt as if every part of them was shrinking into a void.

Why in the world had Y/N to meet Jungkook again who had left her 2 years ago without a notice, without a sign. He had disappeared just like that hiding himself behind the cloak of the misty winter night and when Y/N got up the next day desperate for the warmth and comfort of his tall figure, he was gone. Not even a single letter was left behind. So cruel.

She had cried for so many painful nights unable to give her eyes some rest. Not only the weather then was cold but the cold feeling of getting abandoned and rejected had iced her frail heart.

And now, all those days of labour went in vain when she saw him standing infront of her.

He smiled, talking short steps towards her, his beautiful eyes desperately preserving every detail of her in that moment.

And now that he smiled, she was reminded of their happy days that how they used to lay next to each other on the bright sunny mornings of early summer, how they used to take long drives until their backs hurt, how he used to cook for her, how they cuddled inside the same big jacket, how he played with her hair and how he kissed her lips without any warning.

It hurt. Those memories. Hurtful because she knew they were not going back to the way they were and somehow her heart sank with every emerging thought from her long buried past.

"I am relieved to see you again," Jungkook sported a sad smile, his eyes almost showing hints of tears but they were carefully forced back. Y/N too was tormented and her shredded heart had torn even more painfully.

"why are you here?," Y/N sounded almost disappointed but only she knew that she was faking it and no matter how deep those scars were, she was happy inside.

"I want to invite you to my concert. This will be my last before I leave the music world," Jungkook's voice trembled, the wavelengths fluctuating.

"Okay," Y/N looked one last time into Jungkook's eye before she hurriedly transferred the tickets from his hands to hers and departed without a goodbye.

Jungkook's lips were shivering with despair because he had lost her once again and no matter how much he wanted to get a hold of her, he couldn't. She was a faraway dream for him now.

The day of the concert

Y/N had arrived at the venue, hundreds of other artists and musicians were pushing their way to the seat. Jeon jungkook had surely worked his butt off and had amassed a fame of his own. His music had emotions so deep that it penetrated through the listener's heart, putting a spell on them, making their hearts enchanted.

Before the concert started, Jungkook hit a glance at Y/N, the curves of his face were stiffened with sorrow. Although he was smiling, he knew that deep down it was shoveling up his torment. His professional fingers pressed through the keys, jumping from one scale to another, carefully setting the tune and beading the emotions around it which the mass had eagerly set their ears on. The melody of that tune was perfect and not only it forced the hall into a deep sea of emotions but also was brewing tiny droplets of tears in his very eyes. Although everything was melodic, his face seemed melody less, glow less like he was tearing up with every second.

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