Bus Stop: J.J.K

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They say you are meant to be with the one whose match is made with you up in the heavens despite the many hurdles. That person is your one and only final piece which will complete you, no other will do. You will draw towards him like some magnet to an iron, like a rainbow after the rains with sunshine, like this, like that. Your fate will get intertwined with his, your sorrows will be his, his happiness will be yours and vice versa.

Like any other rainy day, it was raining heavily that day. People would usually want to stay home on those days and sleep but as a workaholic woman I had no such privilige. I was in a hurry as I had a meeting that day. I put on my lipstick which smeared a little due to my nervous hands. I was getting late, too late. I rushed to the garage to start my car but it didn't start no matter how many times I tried. I had no choice but to pick out a randow umbrella and start running towards the bus stop to catch a bus.
I finally reached the bus stop. I was half wet from that trial and was breathing heavily when I noticed that man standing a little farther from where I stood. His looks were charming but he looked sick inside. May be he was waiting for a bus too?
Suddenly our eyes met and without any further second he broke that eye connection. My bus arrived then and I was about to board it when that man fell unconscious on my shoulders. I was in a state of panic. "Mr? Mr? Can you listen to me?" I kept on calling but my calls were not returned. Without wasting any other second I called 911 struggling to balance the weight of that body on my shoulders.

Jungkook's pov

My limbs, my head were both hurting before I opened my eyes. I was sleeping on a soft bed, and the air was cool around me, maybe due to an air conditioner. I opened my eyes to see two soft hands on mine, a young woman resting her head against my bed. I was confused about that sudden change of scenery.  I was in a bus stop then how did I end up here? My head started hurting when I thought about it more. The doctor walked inside my chamber carrying some documents, they were my reports probably. That young woman woke up from the noise and followed the doctor out of my chamber to discuss details. After a while or so she came back with a stressful and tired face.
"These are your reports, the doctor said you fainted due to excessive hunger. Were you dieting? It doesn't look like you are a beggar or something. Expensive clothes, well toned body, fresh skin you have it all. Just why did you faint? Regardless of all that, take care of your medical expenses at the reception and be sure to call your relatives. I couldn't find any cellphone with you", I said. 
When I was just about to leave, his hands took hold of me. I turned back now and asked"what now?" He said with a sad expression,"I don't have anywhere to go, I don't have any money too. Please take me with you. I understand it's totally absurd to even think of taking a stranger to your home that too a man, But I am desperate, some bad men are after me. I would do anything you say, laundry, cooking everything".
"Sorry I can't take you in", I said as I made my way out of his chamber.
I was halfway through the hospital when i started having all these guilt thoughts.
Why am I even feeling guilty? He is no kith or kin of mine.
I took a deep breath and headed towards his chamber again. My heart had won over my mind. My emotions took over my decision making. I don't know why I did that then but i just did that in a heartbeat.

I took him in. Gave him the guest room. I was a busy woman so I remained out of my house for most of the daytime and only came home by evening. When I came home, I would see the utensils cleaned, the floors tidy, dead flowers replaced by fresh ones, the vegetables cut and the dinner already in progress. I would always call him to watch TV with me together after we would have our dinner.
Initially, it was awkward between us, it was a forced co existence. But nowadays it feels good around him. Since he came, this house feels warmer. I have gotten used to him by now. The sound of him working in the kitchen, the spot where he sits to watch the TV, the way he looks at the night sky after a busy day, the way he carves a smile on his handsome face to greet me, I have gotten used to this all.We have started talking more, laughing more, stealing glances at each other more. These days i'm having an unusual feeling, my hearts beats fast and my lips are dry.
Days have passed since the day I had taken him into my house. We are living unexpectedly well together now.
On one such day, I switched my TV on after a tired day to watch my fav.drama. While surfing through channels, I stumbled upon a news channel and decided to continue watching it.

"A criminal named Jeon Jungkook is on the run. He is accused of theft and attempt to murder. We have been unable to track him down for days".

I couldn't feel anything. My mind became blank and my surroundings became totally a blur to me. I would only hear "criminal, criminal, criminal" inside my head. What? I have been living with a criminal for days? The thought alone scared me. I came out of my long gone consciousness when I heard footsteps approaching. He was there, standing. May be he heard the news too? Maybe he knows that I know of him being a criminal. I ran for my room and had it locked to keep that criminal away from me.
"Open, open, Y/N open the door. I won't harm you, i won't. I'm not a criminal, my stepbrothers have pressed false accusations against me. That store belongs to my stepbrother. I never was a criminal. Y/N please".

He kept calling for hours, staying by that door, explaining what went wrong. I was afaid, I really was.

Those good memories of him, those little habits of him which I held dear in my memory kept playing in my mind, all night. I wish he was not a criminal. Before anything, he was the man I loved. i loved that man, I loved him not the criminal mask which had his face covered.
I finally opened the door, early in the dawn. He was still there, leaning by the adjacent wall to my room. He quickly opened his eyes and made his way into my arms.
"Let go of me, I don't have anything to do with you", I said trying to push him away.
"No, i'm not letting you go. Just let me stay like this for a while, just let me say that I have fallen for you, that I am addicted to your presence. Just let me share this warmth with you before the police takes me away", he said looking at my eyes, not breaking away for a second.
"I want you to love me the way you used to do. I don't want you to see me as a criminal, to hate me for that even if it is all false. I will prove my innocence and will return as your man, the man you loved. I know you do, you do love me even if it unsaid between you and me. The police will be here soon".

I couldn't help but hug him tighter. I cried silently on his shoulders, I couldn't say anything to him, I was at a loss of words.

The police came after a while and took him away. He didn't turn to look at me with his hands bound with handcuffs. I get it now, he didn't want me to see him as a criminal. That was the last time I saw his face.

It is just another day, it is raining today too like the day we first met. I am walking with an umbrella , shielding myself from the rain drops. I can see another umbrella, a man holding it. He is proceeding towards me, the air around him seems familiar, his scent, the rhythm of his heartbeat, everything. He let go of his umbrella now, he is getting wet. He is coming closer to me, he has grabbed me by my waist now. I am looking at him unable to break away my eyes from his face. He is handsome, he really is, because he is Jeon Jungkook, the man I loved. He is smiling now, I am smiling too. He hugged me now like he did the last time when I saw him. I feel his warmth even if it is all cold due to those cold drops of rains falling from above.
"I am back Y/N. Don't let me go this time. I'm all yours now", he said as he pressed his lips against mine.

To the world he was a criminal, to me he was the man I loved.

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