Fun Ghoul x reader

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(edited to a point)

2 years ago

I was running through the streets of battery city dogging lasers and debris trying to get out of the city. I looked behind me and saw more of the men in the white suits running after me. I knew this side of the city pretty well. I knew there was an abandoned subway station not to far away that I could possibly hide in until I could get out. I ducked into an alley and hid behind an old dumpster waiting for the men to pass enough to run to the subway.

They must not of seen me duck into the alley way as they kept running past I thought.

I came out from behind the dumpster a bit to see if they were all gone and started to jog along the wall to the subway. When I got to the opening of the subway, I cautiously walked In case someone else was in there. I hesitated for a second as I was completely defenseless.

I slowly approached one of the tunnels and peered around it. All I could see was darkness. I started to walk into one of the tunnels and tripped over something. Or someone. I figured it was a broken bench or something till I felt arms around my waist preventing me from falling on my face.

I quickly scrambled out of the strangers arms in case it was another person working with the men in white suits. The stranger chuckled a bit and said "I won't hurt ya sugar"

I still couldn't see the strangers face and I sure as hell didn't trust them. I started to back up until my back hit the wall behind me. The stranger put his hands on the wall next to my head trapping me there. I heard foot steps coming towards us and the man looked away for a bit to see what the other person wanted.

"We found an opening Gee. Its at the end of that tunnel." He said as he pointed the other direction. I couldn't see his face very well as his flashlight was pointing at me and the man - who the other guy called gee - but I could tell he had longish black hair and that he was shorter.

"Ok frank I'll be right there. I just need to finish up some things" Gee said and he bit his lip and looked back at my cowering figure still pinned up against the wall.

The Gee guy then backed up and put his hand out for me to shake and introduced himself. "Well then. Sorry to scare you. I'm Gerard and the short shit over there is my friend frank."Gerard said while pointing back at Frank.
Let's just say I was beyond confused how this Gerard dude just went from nearly raping me to acting like he just bumped into me.
I looked over at Frank and he waved at me a bit.
"I-I'm (y/n)." I introduced myself to the boys.
"Well (y/n), why don't you come with us and we can get out of this hell" Gerard asked.

All I did was nod as I didn't want to be stupid and say no.

Gerard smirked as he took Frank's flashlight and started to walk forward toward he other tunnel.

I just stood there watching Gerard walk down the tunnel. Frank then walked over to me and grabbed my hand and we started walking down the tunnel. I couldn't see much rather than the light from the flashlight Gerard was holding in front of us.

I barely realized that Frank was still holding my hand until he started to pull me so we were next to Gerard. He looked over at us and then forward again as we kept walking.

After about ten minutes of walking we were met by two guys at the end of the tunnel.

There was a little bit of light coming from the opening of the tunnel so I could see one of the guys had dirty blonde hair and the other one had a fro.

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