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i kinda fell out of mcr so i'm trying to finish this chapter while halfway forgetting what's happened heh

Did I want to do this?

No not really.

Did I do it anyways since the guy was hot?


So did i kinda want to do it?

I mean i guess.

Here I was sitting in this random dudes car currently driving to the ends of the earth.

Let's back up.

I was walking around zone 5 when this gray car came. Probably someone on dune patrol. Then the car came towards me.
When it got close enough, the driver looked out the passenger window.
"whatcha doing?" He asked me.
"Well what do you think I'm doing? I'm just walking looking for somewhere to spend the night." I told him.
"Well I'm Party Poison. And if you want I can give you a ride?" He asked me.

Now by this point, he had already taken off his sunglasses.


this motherfucker do be hot though

i shrugged my shoulders and opened the door and got in.
he started to drive off through the desert into the sun set blasting some old bands from before the apocalypse.

He then looked over remembering i was there.

"so what's your name hotshot?"

i looked back at him for a second.

"(k/n)" i responded back to him.

He then pulled to a stop behind an abandoned building and we made out. the end

ty ty for reading 😩

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