Chapter 1: "time to face the devil himself"

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This is my first story in a long time so please be patient with me. I'm always open to feed back and suggestions. Other than that enjoy!!

Haleys POV***

Well this is it.... I thought to myself as I grabbed my suitcase off the carosel and slung my backpack around me.

My stomach felt uneasy as I releazed that reality was finally catching up with me. I , Haley Bell, was finally going to college. After difirring for a year it was time to face the devil himself, and head to Duke University. I know, a private university allowing someone to not attend for a year but instead backpack across Europe with "online courses". It seems irrational... But you know- in extreme circumstances and a boat load of money any university will make an exception to the rules.

That North Carolina humidity hit me like a wall. No- I was definitely not in California anymore, and my poor golden blonde hair was showing it in frizz. I tapped at my iPhone for a minute contemplating whether to call an Uber or research plane tickets back home.

My dad's voice echoed in the back of my head Haley Lynne Bell, I know you've been through a lot this year- we all have. But it is time you quit playing games and get on with the rest of your life. Your mother would have wanted you to attend Duke, it is what she always wanted for you.

Those last words stung just as badly as they did when he dropped me off at the airport. Being a Blue Devil was in my blood- whether or not it was what I wanted didn't matter. It was time to get on with my life.

My Uber ride was only thirty minutes, which after traveling across the country didn't seem to shabby. I unlocked my iPhone and went to send a text:
Joshy Poop- hey I am currently on my way to campus would love to see you and maybe have help unpacking? Let me know.

I hadn't seen my brother since the day I left for Europe. We barely spoke too. While I was backpacking he buckled down on basketball at Duke and had gotten really good based off all the articles I've read about him. Josh was going into his junior year of College and was looking to be a starter on the team this year. I missed being close to him, my main goal with being at Duke is to reestablish our relationship... And maybe figure out my own path along the way.

My phone let out a soft buzz:
Text from Joshy Poo:
Busy with practice. Meet up after Halez?
You have yourself a deal Joshy.

Maybe I was slightly annoyed with the fact that he wouldn't help me move in- but knowing me I wouldn't let those emotions show. I let out a deep sigh and laid my head back for the rest of the ride.
Ew. Was the only word I came to mind when looking around my dorm. Maybe it was the fact that I was basically sharing basically a shoe box with another girl, or that these ones in particular were co-ed. But, I was not excited for the upcoming year.

"Oh my Atlanta" shrilled a voice behind me "you must be Haley Bell".

I jerked around from making my bed to find the most stereotypical southern girl staring right at me.

"Well, Miss Haley Bell I am your roommate Mary Anne. It is SO nice to meet you" she exclaimed while hugging basically the life out of me.

"Umm... Yah hi nice to meet you as well" I said while trying to get my breath back.

Mary Anne started to settle in unpacking boxes worth of stuff and yabbing on telling me her entire life story.

"My mamma was so excited for me to come to Duke University. Her and my nanna were both Kappa Gammas and ran this town back in the day."

"Wow that's really cool. I hope you get in then"

Mary Anne looked at me with almost a disgusted look.

"You hope I get in???? Honey I am a legacy there is no hoping- only guarantees".

I felt my cheeks get flushed, it was silly to feel embarassed over something as little as this, but boy did I feel dumb. Almost as if My call of distress was heard my phone started to vibrate.
Text from Joshy Poo:
Hey what would you say to going to a low key party this evening.

I bit my lip. A party on my first night? Seemed a bit early. I glanced over at Mary Anne whom to my surprise was still talking away this whole time.
Count me in. Text me the addy
Now I may have been in the part of the world where drinking is legal under 21, but that didn't make me a partier. Yeah I had a glass of wine here or there but my Europe adventures were ultimately age appropriate. So this party was putting knots inside my stomach.

I looked through my boxed up clothes contemplating what I should wear and quickly. It seemed smart to sneak out while Mary Anne was out on a Target run so I wouldn't have to extend the invite. I realize that it seemed polite, but something told me that we wouldn't be good friends.... Best to distant her so we dont have drama later on.

I decided to keep it cute,yet casual. It was only a kick back- no reason to get all dressed up. I looked at myself in my body mirror smoothing out my mini jean skirt that exsenuated my curves. And retucked the front of my soft pink lace cami. I had to admit I looked good. This figure was something that I had worked hard for- and this outfit definitely showed that factor off. I glanced at my face one last time and smiled one last time. Perfect.


Sorry for the slow start to this, had to set the stage! I promise it will pick up here soon, let me know what you all think within the comments (-:

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