Chapter 2: "copper eyes that pierced my soul"

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Haleys POV***

"Thank you" I replied to my Uber driver as I got out of the car at the address my brother had sent me.

I looked up at the house in front of me, it was a pretty outstanding house. Which could be expected for College students at a private university. It was a large two story Brown house with gothic architecture and a large Blue Devil mascot on the side. Besides the exterior, there was loud EDM music thumping from inside. And girls half naked wasted drinking on the porch.

"Kick back my ass" I mummbled. Continuing to dredge on towards the front door.

I opened the door to find a typical college party scene. To the right of me were two boys doing a keg stand shouting "CHUG" at the top of their lungs. To the left of me was a table of rage cage where people were obviously way too drunk. Everywhere I looked though everyone was wearing Duke University attire- so apparently I did not get the memo that the "theme" was school pride.

I continued to walk into the party crowd, trying to avoid the awkward stares of people thinking why isn't this chick in school colors? I made my way into the kitchen where I found a familiar face. There my brother was in all of his glory. He was sitting on top of a beautiful white granite counter top surrounded by a group of guys- all wearing Duke basketball jerseys. I went up behind him and softly tapped him on his back. He turned around quickly and those hazel eyes lit up when they made contact with mine.

"HALEZ IS THIS REALLY YOU???" Josh exclaimed jumping off the counter top proceeding to give me a nouggie.

"C'mon seriously?" I grunted trying to shove him back "I am not a child anymore!"

"Ugh, it's just so good to see you" he steps back and smiles brightly at me.

Damn, it is so good to see him. Its like a part of me is finally back into place when seeing him.

Josh slings his arm around me putting me into a partial choke hold. "Boys, this is my baby sister Halez. But you can call her Haley".

I smile shyly at these two attractive men in front of me "hi, I'm Haley".

"Alright," Josh says rubbing his hands together. He points to the boy to his left "This is Jake".

I almost had to stop my jaw from dropping when looking at Jake- boy was he gorgeous. He smiled a perfect smile rubbing the back of his neck and letting out a soft wave. He had perfectly messy Brown hair and a five o'clock shadow that worked perfectly with his jaw structure.

"And this is my boy Peter" Josh proclaimed slapping him on the back.

Peter immediately stuck out his hand to shake mine. "It is great to meet you Haley".

Peter had perfectly groomed dark Brown hair and copper eyes that pierced into my soul. He had a strong appearance to him, holding himself in a cofident tone.

"It's great to meet you both, really" I said trying to avoid eye contact with the both of them worried that I wouldn't be able to stop myself from drooling.

"Well I'm going to keep making my rounds. But Halez, make yourself comfortable. Mi casa es su casa." Josh said patting me on the back slowly backing away with a drink in his hand.

"This is YOUR party?!?" I shouted back at him giving him the death glare.

Josh gave a sheepish smile and shouted out "uhhh sorry I can't hear you I'm too far away. But enjoy!"

I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh. You idiot you should have figured Josh would do something like that. In front of me stood Jake making himself some sort of alcohol concotion.

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