Chapter 4: "hurricane Lucy"

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Attention readers-this next part will have some repeat information. I wanted to give Peter a chance to show his point of view. If you wish to skip ahead, scroll down to the two black lines in this chapter where new content begins. Enjoy!
Peters POV***

Game day. That was the big question on my mind as I laid on my bed tossing a basketball into the air. Today was important not only for me, but also my future. Being able to come to Duke on a scholarship has been a huge honor. But, my basketball skills need to stay sharp or else all of this goes away.

"Shit" I heard someome say outside of my door as they sat their jiggling at a door knob.

Who the hell is that? I got up and walked over to my door to investigate. Maybe someone locked themselves out? I opened my door to find a girl in just a small green towel sitting there jiggling at the bathroom door handle. That wet long hair whipped around quickly so that she was facing me. Haley.

"Umm. Are you okay out here?" I asked trying to be careful of not letting my eyes wonder down her gorgeous body.

Haley twiddled a piece of her hair as she nervous responded "ahh not really... I accidentally locked myself out of the bathroom. But whats more important is that a bunch of my important stuff is locked inside of Josh's room."

She exhaled loudly and gave me the cutest nervous smile.

I don't know what it was about this girl but their was something I was immediately drawn too. Even her nervous side is adorable.

I scratched the back of my neck trying to play off the situation like I wasn't nervous myself. "Yeah Haley that's a real problem. I believe I still have Joshs spare key in my room. Come in real quick and I'll grab it for you."

I motioned for Haley to follow me, which she reluctantly did. I headed over to my desk and started searching within the file cabinet below. I know we all shared each others spare keys but where in the hell did I put it?

Haley stayed silent behind me. This girl was something special. From the moment we met I felt something between us, but I didn't know if she felt it too. Whenever we are around each other she makes me feel like I matter.... Like she truly cares.

At that moment Lucy came over my mind... My girlfriend. "Shit." somehow escaped my lips at the thought of her.

From behind me I heard footsteps move closer "What did you say?"

Dammit I can't believe I said that out loud. Idiot. Almost like being saved by the bell there the key was, I snatched it quickly turning around to face Haley.

"I got!" I exclaimed. Feeling triumph that I had saved her day.

Here Haley and I were standing close together once again. Every fiber in my body knew that I wanted to move closer and hold her. But I knew better. Lucy and I may have our problems but I do love her.

Almost as if she knew we were talking about her, I heard a familiar screech come From the door "YOU FOUND WHAT?!?" Lucy yelled.

Shit. Was she supposed to come over today?

"Babe what are you doing here?" I asked really being unsure of what exactly she was doing at my place right now.

Haley turned to me, I could see the distraught in her eyes... She was confused, maybe even hurt.

Lucy looked right at Haley with her famous stare down "And who the hell are you?"

In this moment I don't know what came over me, but a part of me wanted to step in and protect Haley from Lucy's wrath. But shouldn't I be wanting to provide protection for my actual girlfriend?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2019 ⏰

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