Anything for you sir !

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Big thank you to Sin_filled_Shipper for this idea !!!Also I hope you're ready for my boys to sound fancy

"Come on Shuichi ! I must slay the wild beast !"
Shouted Prince Kaito , "for I am sure that it will not slay itself !"
"Yes sir , I am aware that the dual-coloured bear needs slaying , but wouldn't it be wise to approach it calmly and slowly?"asked his trusty knight Shuichi , " nonsense ! The beast is nothing but a violent idiot ! Nothing compared to my amazing skills and golden brain! We should ambush him !"Replied the headstrong prince
"I wouldn't advise it sir , we know not of this beast's strength" said the knight worriedly
"Into battle my comrade!" Shouted the prince , ignoring his sidekick's input

Kaito ran forward into a clearing in the woods and shouted for the bear to come for him , " come and fight me you dastardly Monokuma Bear ! I will battle you to the death !" (A/N Kaito is an idiot , drop and F in the chat to pay respects to his dead brain)

The beast emerged from the trees and let out a loud growl , before charging towards the purple-haired Prince , he barely manages to jump away before it tramples him , "Uuooaaarrrgghh!" He lets out a startled cry as his friend and trusty knight Shuichi tries to think of a plan , " come on , think , think , THINK !" He says to himself

"Back away you foul beast , f-for I will make you d-demise !" The black-and-white bear continues to fight him , despite being told not to , " Shuichi ! I need some help !" The prince shouts for his knight

"I have an idea sir !"replied Shuichi , " hey ! You big ugly beast ! Come and follow me !"He Shouted. "Shuichi ! What are you doing ?" Kaito yelled , the bear lifted his head and charged towards the knight , " trust me !" He replied

Shuichi ran for his life , the bear was quite a fast creature so he would have to have a head start, his plan was to run until he found a mountain or a large tree and he could swerve away at the last second so then the beast would slam into it at full force and that would subdue him long enough for him to get Kaito to slay it

There's got to be a tree soon , there's got to be !

There ! He found a tree to slam the beast into

The bear charged towards Shuichi but as you know , he had a plan , "h-hey ! You big st-stupid bear ! Come over here !" Yelled the knight

He jumped away at the last second , causing the Monokuma bear to concuss itself by slamming head-first into the tree , " SIR ! COME HERE QUICK !" The blue-haired boy yelled . The prince ran to his knight (and love interest) to help , " kill the beast" (A/N beauty and the beast reference ,
am I the only one that gets it ?)

"Ok ! I will!" Shouted Kaito , running forward and plunging his sword into the beast's back , killing it , "also , thank you for saving me earlier Shuichi !" The knight blushed lightly and then replied , " anything for you sir !"

Welllllll , I'm back , and thanks to you guys I have some inspiration!

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