You're my soulmate !?

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My mother always says , "when your soulmate writes on their hand , it will appear on your own," but I always said it was fake , until today , I was solving a case , and I felt a pen on my hand , it seemed that the words were writing themselves onto my hand , they said , "hey soulmate , you there ?" I was completely shocked , their mom must have told them the same thing !

Well , I didn't want to write back , I was worried that if it was someone that I knew , then they would recognise my handwriting and know it was me ! Speaking of that , I dk recognise that handwriting, maybe from a birthday card ? I really should write back , it would be rude if I didn't , right ? "Hi ! What's your name ?" I wrote back I got a quick reply , "Kaito Momota, yours ?" Wait , KAITO ?! He's one of my best friends ! He can't be my - soulmate ?! There must be some mistake ! I decide to lie (years spent with Ouma can do something to a person) , "Maki Hurakawa," I write , the response I got was slightly delayed , "no you're not , Maki-roll is right next to me now , and there's nothing on either of her hands" oh shit , "oh , oops , I lied," was the only response I could think of , the next reply I got was so scared it was almost comical , "wait , you're not Ouma are you ?!" I chuckle to myself, "no bro , it's me , Saihara" I write ( DON'T ASK ME HOW THEY CAN FIT THIS MUCH ON THEIR HANDS !) , " wait bro , seriously, well , I have liked you for a while"

Oh geez , this is gonna take a while , better get someone else to solve this case I think to myself whilst blushing

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