Chapter 1

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Yoongi POV

Running a hand through my hair, I sigh as I lean back in my chair. Though, I'm quick to flinch at the sound of thunder suddenly echoing throughout the studio and building. Glancing over towards my window, I sigh as I see the storm that's sure to start within the next ten minutes.

It's only a minute later that there's a knock on my door, and I merely glance over at it. Hobi opens it seconds later with a small smile, covered in sweat as he enters with a blanket.

"Kookie will be in soon with tea, hyung. How's the writing going?" Hobi greets softly, gently wrapping the fluffy blue blanket around me before taking a seat on the black couch in my studio.

"Frustrating. I have two more songs. You'd think it wouldn't be that damn hard to write these types of songs till the end of time, but I'm getting tired of this damned persona they've forced me into eight years ago." I mumble quietly as I snuggle into the blanket a bit more. He gives me a gentle smile at this, reaching and leaning forward to ruffle my hair gently.

"I'm sorry, hyung. I know you just wanted to stick to yourself and went through a rough patch. It wasn't fair of management to take advantage of the way you'd been feeling to shape your career and create even more of a name for yourself." Hobi murmurs gently. I just nod at this, pulling my knees up to my chest on the chair so that I can rest my chin on the tops of my knees.

"I'm just tired. It takes a lot more out of me to put up the facade and to write these kinds of songs. They're difficult because when you're angry, you're not as focused on what your saying and so in that aspect it's difficult to get the lyrics right. That takes time and with the schedule they've had me at, I just end up spending tons of time trying to get it right. It takes a lot of energy just to be mad enough to find what to write about or say anymore though." I whisper softly, reaching a hand up to rub at my eye.

"Sorry I'm a little behind, hyungs. I ran into my manager on the way here." Jungkook apologizes as he enters the room with us. I just give him a small smile and shake my head.

"Here's your tea." Jungkook says lightly as he hands it over, kissing the top of my head gently. I flinch a bit at the contact, but it's nowhere near as bad as it once was.

"Thanks, Kookie." I whisper quietly before taking a sip.

"How's work going for the two of you?" I ask just seconds before flinching at the loud sound of rain suddenly pouring down as if a dam just broke to release everything it'd been holding back. Glancing out my window, you can hardly see down to the end of the street due to the rain, a sight that's usually easy to spot.

"Works going alright. I get to choreograph Jungkook's new music video that's coming up soon." Hoseok answers lightly, trying to keep my attention from the storm outside the building.

"Yeah, thanks to that song you helped me finish up last week, I'll be set to release the new album next week." Jungkook adds with a grin. I give the youngest a small smile, glad to see him happy.

"And how's Tae and Jimin?" I ask, deciding to be polite even if it hurts asking. Hobi gives me a small saddened smile at this though.

"You know we don't have to talk about them with you, Yoongi. We know what that reminds you of and how it makes you feel." Hoseok says gently. I bite my lip at this, shrugging a bit.

"I have to get over it eventually, Hobi." I respond casually. Though, he knows better just as I do, and he shows it with the look he gives me next.

"Yoongi, how long have you been saying that for now? How has that 'motto' held up with you? We aren't having this discussion. We can talk about it one day, when you aren't still having nightmares and can sleep comfortably on your own." Hoseok scolds with a small frown.

I avert my gaze to the floor between the three of us, soft black carpet covering the floor of my studio. I don't flinch at the next clap of thunder that rumbles the room, barely even hear it over the thunderous silence that's engulfed the room.

"Hearing about your relationships don't add to the pain of the past. I-I don't know if I'll see the day where I don't think about it or see the night where I don't have a nightmare. But... At least hearing about the way they treat the two of you... At least that reminds me that there's more good in the world than the one I lost." I whisper, barely audible over the loud rain.

Though, as I glance up to the two younger boys, I can see it in their faces that they've heard me just fine.

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