Chapter 5

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Namjoon POV

"Are you two sure this is a good idea? I mean, I've got tons of work to be doing right now and I'm sure they're all busy as well." I question as Tae and Jimin drag my from my office.

"Hobi hyung said he agreed to it, Joon. You really do need to stop worrying so much." Tae says with a sigh.

I just roll my eyes at the two of them, still feeling uncertain about this dinner meetup that's going on at the moment. I don't bother questioning or pushing any further though, knowing that I don't really have much of a choice at this point. I'm getting dragged out of the building and to this dinner regardless at this point, no matter how much of a fight I put up, so there really isn't any reason in trying to fight it at this point.

I just let it happen as I get lead out of the office building and into Jimin's car. I don't say anything as they drive us to the venue, don't even bother asking why the hell it looks so fucking empty.

Although, I suppose it would make sense for it to be empty. Works in the favor for all of us really. Nobody has to deal with any prying eyes or cameras or videos or anything of the sort. We'll all be able to just sit down and have a relaxing dinner together.

"Alright, Kookie said that they just left the building so they should be here soon. Come on, let's head inside." Jimin speaks up after putting the car in park. We both just nod at the boy who's driven us here, all of us getting out of the car and heading inside.

Just as I guessed, the entire place is empty with the exception of the staff that work here. Jimin leads the two of us to the center of the room, leading us to sit down together on the same side of the tables that are pushed together for us.

It's silent for a few minutes, the only sounds being that of Tae and Jimin typing away on their phones, presumably texting their boyfriends. I sigh softly at the lack of any sort of conversation or anything, pulling out my own phone to simply scroll through social media.

Though, the time passes quickly, and before I know it, I hear the sound of the door opening once more. All three of us pocket our phones at the same time, knowing who's here. However, unlike the other two who stand and walk immediately over to the three who've just entered the door, I merely stand and wait for them to come over, knowing I don't know any of them too well. I've met Hoseok and Jungkook a few times on the occasion with them being Tae and Jimin's boyfriends, but I'm not that close with them and I certainly haven't ever met the third male who's come in with the two.

My two friends are soon ushering the three over to me, especially once they've realized I never left the table. I recognize Hoseok and Jungkook immediately, both decently taller than the third.

"Hi, Namjoon. It's good to see you again." Hoseok greets kindly, coming over and giving me a quick hug. I smile and return the hug, returning the greeting.

"Hi, hyung!" Jungkook greets next while Hoseok moves to take his seat across from his boyfriend.

"Hi, Jungkook. It's good to see you." I respond with a smile, ruffling the younger's hair a bit. He chuckles at this, moving to the side before glancing back at the third who came in with them. The one that had been the whole point in Jimin and Tae setting this up.

"It's nice to meet you, hyung. I'm Namjoon." I greet softly with a small bow. The shorter takes a deep breath at this, nodding.

"Likewise. I'm Yoongi."

His voice is barely above a whisper, almost sounding shaking before he returns a small bow, moving to take the last seat open which is conveniently across from me.

We all take our seats finally, but I can't help but feel somewhat awkward. Tae and Hobi go off into their own conversation, seeming fairly happy together while Jungkook and Jimin are off in their own happy and content little worlds chatting each other up as well. Meanwhile, Yoongi and I are simply sat across from each other, more so just observing the other four than actually interacting at all.

Though, I'm taken by surprise when I suddenly hear him speak up, though his voice is still soft.

"So, Namjoon. What do you do?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2019 ⏰

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