Chapter 3

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Jimin POV

My head and Tae's turns towards the front door when we hear it finally open. We got back about a half hour ago, but Jungkook and Hobi are only now walking in. They're both silent today unlike most days, and it worries me just the slightest.

"Everything okay?" I ask as I turn the volume on the television down. They both give us small smiles, nodding as they walk over to us.

"Everything's okay, baby. You don't need to worry." Jungkook murmurs gently as he comes and sits down on my lap. I smile at the younger, leaning my head up a bit to rest it on his shoulder.

"Then why do the two of you look so exhausted?" I challenge lightly, wrapping my arms around his waist. He smiles at me though, leaning down and pecking my lips gently.

"Just been a busy day, then had to help Yoongi hyung. You know how he gets during storms." Jungkook reassures calmly. I smile at this, glancing to my side as Hobi moves to sit down next to Tae before pulling the younger into his lap as well.

"There's something we wanted to ask you two, if you're up to it." Tae mentions softly as he lays his head against Hobi's shoulder. The elder smiles down to Tae, kissing his forehead gently.

"You know you can always ask us anything, baby." Hobi says quietly, running a hand through Tae's hair. Him and Kookie glance between me and Tae, waiting to see what exactly it is we have to ask.

"So, you guys know our friend Namjoon?" I start, glancing between them. They both nod with smiles on their faces, curious expressions being worn as they stay silent.

"Well, Joon and Yoongi hyung are the only two who don't know each other. We thought maybe the six of us could go out to dinner together Friday night, that way the two could meet and we could all hangout." Tae finishes for me.

However, the youngest and oldest both frown a bit at us.

"Baby, I don't know that Yoongi is up to be meeting new people and trying to find another friend. Let's not forget about the fact that we don't get to hangout much with the two of you if we're with him and vice versa." Hobi murmurs gently, running a hand over Tae's hair to smooth it back.

"Yeah, but you also said that it was because of the fact that we're both dating the two of you and that fact makes it hard on him because of Sooyeon." I point out, hoping to be able to make this work out for Namjoon.

"Jiminie, baby, isn't Namjoon that friend of yours that's a fan of Agust D? Do you really think it'd be that great of an idea to introduce him to a fan?" Jungkook asks softly, giving me a serious look. I pout at this.

"But Joon won't act like some crazy fan though. Joon just wants to be friends with him anyways. That's all he wants, he's not some crazy person who's gonna try and attack Yoongi or do anything to risk hurting him." I argue quickly, hoping that there's still some small chance that we can get this to work.

Jungkook and Hobi exchange a look before the both of them sigh.

"Look, I'll talk the idea of it over with him tomorrow. Okay? Ultimately it's Yoongi's decision, and I'm certainly not gonna push him to go. You both know you'll need to reserve the entire place if you want to have this dinner though, right?" Hoseok says with a stern look. We both nod at this, knowing it'll be as good and as close as we can get.

"Good. Now, I'm gonna go order us some dinner. I'd like to have dinner at home here with my boyfriend before I have to head off to Yoongi's place." Hoseok tells us, leaning forward to kiss Tae's cheek before patting the younger's side. Tae pouts but moves off his boyfriend's lap so that Hoseok can go call to get us some dinner.

I smile over at the younger boy on the other end of the couch, feeling bad for him.

This is how it is nearly every evening. Hoseok is gone at work until at least six, not getting home until six thirty, and then has to leave the house by nine thirty. Tae never gets a single night with Hoseok because he always stays at Yoongi's. I lucked out when I fell for Kookie, that Yoongi had been friends with Hobi before meeting Jungkook. Jungkook always stays here, really truly lives here with us. Unfortunately for Tae, since Hobi is the older and longer friend of Yoongi, he ended up with the task of spending the night with Yoongi.

It got bad at one point, the two of them fought and nearly broke up over it. But when Hoseok explained it to the three of us, there was no way we could stay mad at him for it. He tried. He really even tried to stop staying with Yoongi. But he'd get incoherent texts and calls at random hours of the evening, and we knew it wouldn't work.

Tae's accepted it and handles it a lot better now, but I know it still weighs on him sometimes. And I feel guilty for being able to be here with Kookie when he's staying with us solely because he would be practically living alone otherwise.

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