Chapter 2

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Namjoon POV

Humming softly to the sound of Tony Montana playing in my office, I begin looking over the paperwork that I need to finish up before I head home for the day.

I've simply got the song itself on repeat, wishing I didn't love this song and the artist as much as I do so that I'd have an easier time focusing on my work. Although, as a knock on my door sounds throughout my office, I roll my eyes and sigh, stopping the music coming from my phone before calling for them to come in.

"You didn't have to stop your Agust D party for us, hyung." Jimin giggles with a knowing look as he and Tae enter my office before closing the door up behind them. I give them a playful glare, wishing they'd give it a rest.

"What're the two of you doing here anyways? I've got work to be doing." I ask, glancing back down at the paperwork in my hands.

"We could be asking you the same thing considering it's already seven in the evening." Tae comments with a small smirk. I sigh at this, running a hand through my hair.

"I have to finish up this paperwork and then I'll get going. Besides, unlike the two of you, I don't have a boyfriend to be going home to." I point out with a small smile. Jimin rolls his eyes at me though.

"You do realize we could easily set you up with 'Agust D', right? Hobi and Jungkook both work at the same company as him. They're his best friends." Tae points out. Jimin shakes his head though, giving Tae a small look.

"Have you forgotten about the dating ban they put him on? We can't set them up, because he's not allowed to date. What we can do, is introduce you two though. That way maybe the two of you could be friends." Jimin counters before smiling back over to me. I roll my eyes at them, shaking my head.

"I'm not using my best friends so that I can befriend my idol. Besides, what the hell would I say to the guy? 'Hi, omg I love your music and your style and wow it's so cool to meet you'? Fuck no, that's fucking awkward as hell." I argue with a frown. Tae quirks an eyebrow at me though, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Coming from the guy that constantly talks about how amazing Agust D's music is and how cool and amazing it would be to have the chance to be friends with him whenever you can." Tae accuses. I pout at this, hating that they're using my main escape from work against me.

"Ya know what, you two get to escape from work when you go home to your boyfriends. His music is my escape from work. Okay? Leave me alone." I grumble, returning my gaze to the papers in front of me.

"Yeah, well, we aren't listening to you grumble over it anymore. We're gonna set up a dinner for the six of us this Friday, and you had better come." Jimin informs me.

My head snaps back up at this, eyes wide as I watch him give me a mildly sarcastic smile before linking arms with Tae. With that, the two of them give me a small wave before walking out of my office once more, leaving me with my thoughts and work.

I whine once they've been gone for a few minutes, leaning back in my chair once more as I pout.

I can't believe they're actually making me do this. I can't believe they're actually setting me up to meet my idol. The one artist who's music is like the link to my sanity. The chain holding my sanity together.

The one idol I may or may not have a small crush on. And I'm supposed to be meeting him in two days.

How the fuck am I supposed to handle that? How am I supposed to focus on work when all I'm going to be able to think or focus on is the fact that I'm going to be going to dinner Friday evening where I'll be meeting the artist that I've been listening to for so many years now. The artist I've been listening to for eleven years now. And I'm supposed to have dinner with him in two days. In forty eight hours.

Taking a deep breath, I run both hands through my hair before forcing myself to get to work.

Maybe Jimin wasn't being completely serious. Maybe it was just an empty threat. That way I would shut up about Agust D and his music. Yeah, maybe that's all it was. Just a front to get me to shut up about the guy. I can do that. I can quit talking about him. No big deal.

Just... just as long as Jimin wasn't serious.

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