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Y/n and Harry spoke every night on their Walkie talkie's, but after a short amount of time, Harry's messages became strange. He said that he had been getting letters and that Mr. Dursley was going crazy. Soon after that he completely stopped talking.

Y/n's life has taken a turn for the worse as well. Her parents had her locked in her room twenty four seven. She was allowed to leave for the bathroom and that was it. She would have food pushed under the door and books as well. That was her life for three years.

When she was younger, she just really didn't know better to try and leave. But as soon as she turned fourteen, she realized that she was at her breaking point.

It was summer, the perfect escaping time. It was warm enough y/n wouldn't need to pack to many clothes, daylight lasted longer giving her more time to move and both her parents were very busy during the summer.

Y/n's windows hard been boarded up a while ago, but she had decided to run a while ago as well. She had been slowly prying out the nails one by one for months, and tonight was the night that the last screw would only need a small push.

Y/n had been saving the food that wouldn't rot in a bag, and managed to fill a water bottle when she was in the bathroom. She was all packed, and only waiting for her parents to go to work.

They had staggered their working time to make sure someone was watching over her door, but after three years of having nothing to do, y/n had figured out there was a 1 hour home alone time, where her father would go off to meet his mistress and her mother was at work.

As soon as she heard the door shut, y/n rushed to the window, grabbing her lamp and using the bottom to smash against the wood. It only took a few hits before the board clattered to the floor.

y/n was blinded by the suns light, and had to take a minute to adjust her eyes before slinging her leg over, climbing out and lowering herself as far down as possible before dropping.

Y/n fell to the floor, and when she hit she heard a sickening crack as a shot of pain flew up from her ankle. She laid on the floor a second before standing and staggering away as fast as possible.

The y/c/h haired girl had no idea where to go. She had no friends, had no answers and a million questions and she didn't even know why she had been adopted only to be held prisoner.

All she knew was that there was a letter she got and her parents didn't want to her to see. that was it. Y/n ran for six hours straight, her broken ankle held together with one of her socks that she had tired around it.

It had finally become dark, and y/n stopped to hide under a bridge and behind a dumpster, bringing out her food and preparing to sleep.

Her preparation was stopped by the loud screech of an owl. Y/n perked up, startled by the noise. Looking around, her eyes landed on a large brown owl perched on top of the dumpster she sat behind.

In its beak was a letter, which looked very familiar. Y/n reached up, hesitating before quickly snatching the letter from his beak. The owl tilted its head, watching as she looked at the strange letter.

The paper looked old and had a very familiar red, wax seal. Y/n turned it over, reading the back.

To y/n y/l/n

behind the dumpster and under the bridge

y/n ripped it open, pulling out the paper inside. Excitement and fear raced through her mind as she began to read the letter she had been wanting to read for so long.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order Of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

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