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Y/n wandered towards the end of the alley, her eyes landing on an old looking shop. The sign read 'Ollivander's: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 BC.' Y/n strolled in, looking around curiously. The place was full of dust, cobwebs and shelves apron shelves of wands.

Walking up to the counter, she leaned over it, peeking into the back. As she tried to find any sign of life, the door behind her opened again. Turning around, y/n gazed at the boy standing behind her.

He was chubby and had dark hair and two buck teeth. His robes looked a little short and he had a nervous look on his face.

"H-hello." He said, walking in.

"Hey. Are you here to get a wand too?" The boy nodded, avoiding eye contact.

"Yes, I broke my wand last year and my Granny says this is my last replacement." Y/n nodded, holding out her hand.

"I'm getting my first wand. What's you name?" The boy took her hand on his, which was very clammy.

"Neville Longbottom." Y/n started at him with wide eyes.

"Oh my god you have the best name ever. Mine is so lame compared to yours! It's y/n y/l/n." Neville gave her a smile, his cheeks turning red.

"Thanks. Most people make fun of it." Y/n scoffed, leaning against the counter.

"Those people are bonkers. If you wrote a book it would sell because of you name alone! The biography of a Longbottom." Neville laughed, becoming more relaxed around y/n by the second.

Their moment was shattered by the sound of something crashing to the floor and someone yelping. In a flash, y/n was vaulting over there counter and rushing to the back to see where the noise had come from.

Behind the first shelf was an only man on the floor, a couple boxes scattered around him. Y/n ran over, taking his arms in her hands and pulling him upright, than picking up the fallen boxes.

"Oh dear, thank you very much. I'm sorry for spying on you two, you are just so cute." Y/n froze, standing up and looking at the old man curiously.

"Huh? You were watching us?" The man sighed, nodding while stacking the wands back up.

"Yes indeed. Young love-"

"Wow! We met a second ago! What's with people and trying to get me to marry people? Geez." He chuckled, but he suddenly froze, his strange glossy eyes glued on y/n.

Without saying a word he spun around and ran back into the maze of shelves. Y/n blinked, about to follow him when Neville's timid voice interrupted.

"What happened?" Y/n turned to look at him, shrugging.

"He fell I guess. I helped him up and he just ran off- and here he is again." The old man, who y/n assumed was Mr. Ollivander, has come back in a flash and was holding box in his hands.

Leading both y/n and Neville back out of the shelves, he laid the box in the counter and opened it. Inside was a wand made of red wood and beautifully carved.

Mr. Ollivander gently lifted it up, holding it towards y/n. She took it, her fingers wrapped tightly around the handle. Y/n held it before her and looked around, waiting for something.

"ugh... now what?" Mr. Ollivander rolled his eyes.

"Wave it!" Y/n nodded, bringing the wand up and swooshing it down. From the top of the wand, a huge ball of fire shot forward, hitting the wands on the shelf and beginning to spread.

y/n yelped, dropping the wand and rushing over to the fire, trying to stomp it out. Mr. Ollivander rose his own wand, waving it swiftly, causing all the fallen wands to go back to their places and the fire to disappear.

Blunt (Harry Potter Various x reader)Where stories live. Discover now