my views on souls and the afterlife

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I believe souls to be something inside every creature's body. I imagine them very vaugely human in shape. No hands or feet just stubs, and simple shapes.

I believe souls have different colors that reflect the creature as a whole. A creature that is very passionate, or angry a lot would have a red soul. A creature that is often sad or heartbroken would be blue.


Regarding afterlives, I believe all religions are right in their own sense. Reincarnation is something I believe in, but not in the same way Hindu's and Buddhists (note: Buddhists believe in reincarnation right?). I believe a soul is reincarnated upon their own request. If a person wishes to have another life on earth, Fate will grant them that wish if she feels they deserve such a thing.

However, I view most people will end up in what I refer to as "the whiteness". Simply an empty space where all souls reside and can learn about each other and live in harmony. After all, in a place with nothing to defend, there isn't a reason to fight.

I do also believe in such a thing as hell or more so purgatory. Souls that have done much harm to people will be sent there to realize what they did to people, depending on how easily they realize it depends on how long they will be there. Example: Someone who bullied someone would likely realize it sooner and be there for less time, than someone who was a serial killer.

Even though Fate planned it all, she still views those who do wrong as bad and believes they must apologize. (Seems backwards I know.)

I believe that Heaven and Nirvana may exist, but that is like an exclusive club. Very few people go there while most stay in the whiteness.

I also believe that Life, Death, and Fate would be seen in the whiteness, maybe appearing differently to each person, but souls would be able to see them around and talk to them.

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