Chapter 36: Memory

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I woke up. A lady in white is sitting next to me. "Hi Levi how did you sleep?" She said smiling. "Uh good who's Levi?" I said stretching my arms. "You're Levi" she said. "Oh yeah...that's right I am Levi" I said focusing on who I am. "Your dad is here to see you" the lady said opening the door and walking out. Several minutes later that man walked in. "Hi you ok" he said sitting next to me on my bed. "Yeah I guess but why are you here I don't know you" I said a little creeped out. "Do you remember me now?" He said showing me his phone. There's a picture of me and him making a silly face. How is that possible I've never seen him? He started stroking my hair. I remember. I remember the same man stroking my hair. I stared into his eyes. I remember that picture all of a sudden. "Dad" I said softly. "Yes that's me" he said. "I know you" I said amazed I know this man. "It's dad" he said almost crying. A tear fell down my cheek as I smiled. "Hi dad I'm Levi Noel" I said smiling. "You're Levi Neal" dad said. "Oh sorry I'm Levi Neal" I said. "I have a memory loss thingy so I can't remember much but I know you" I said. "Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" Dad said. "Ok" I said curious what he's gonna ask me. "Do you know who this is?" Dad said opening the door as a lady with blonde shortish hair walked in. I stared at her. It's kinda the only way I can remember things. "Uh...not really" I said. "Do you remember any of these four children?" Dad said as threw children walked in, the eldest holding a baby. "No but I have this" I said showing them all the picture someone gave me yesterday. "Lando's drawing" dad said. "Oh yeah Lando who is he?" I said just remembering the name from the drawing. "I'm lando" said a little boy with short curly blonde hair. He walked to me. "You're my sister" he said smiling. Woah. What!? I have siblings. No way. This doesn't make sense. My brain is going to explode. "This is the last question" dad said. "Do you know what this is" he said opening his hand. There's a gold locket with a pendant of two people holding hands in dad's hand. I wonder if I have seen it. Hmmm. I think maybe. "Yes" I said. Everybody looked at me like all of a sudden their eyes are magnets and I'm the fridge. "Locket of trust" dad said putting the locket in my hands. Locket of trust. Have I heard that before? I picked it up and it glistened in the sunlight coming through the window. The sunlight made it clearer to see the picture in it. Oh my gosh...

Sorry for short chapter I just wanted to end it here. I will be writing more real soon :)

My Saviour, Link (formally known as found by link neal)Where stories live. Discover now