Fell!Reaper x Fell!Error

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Reaper's pov

I was walking around outside humming when all of a sudon i get dragged into an ally way. "GUH!-" is the last this i could 'say' before the stranger kissed me. "Mmm" im pretty sure he put a pill down my throat. I felt my eye's go half lidded.

"You realy are cute~" Error said wait ERROR?! "WHAT THE FUCK DUDE?!" I said. Error put his hand under my cloak and rubbed my spine and ribs.
"Ahh~" I moaned then coverd my mouth. "Dont hold in your moans sweetheart let me hear them.~" Error said huskily. I did'nt cave in and bit my tounge. Error growled.

Error's pov

He did'nt listen and bit his tounge. I got his soul and rubbed it very slowly.
"A-HHH~" Reaper moaned. He melted in my arms so i to this chance and teleported to the anti void. I put Reaper in my strings and lifted him in the air.

Reaper's pov

"Please stop! Why are you doing this?!Why dont you fuck Ink or something!" I said obviously pissed. "Me doing this  is  none of your concern. And trust  me Ink is next~. But im not fucking Fell!Ink, he's already my bitch. Im going for the creator.~" Error said huskily. (If you know where im getting this from coment below and your amazing!!) I started struggling and thrashing around, Error just smirked. "Here let me take those off  for you." Error then took off my clothes with the snap of his fingers.

Error's pov

I liked my lips at the sight of my prize.
"Summon something." I said sternly. "No!!" Reaper yelled and started thrashing around like a baby. I grabbed his pelvis bone and rubbed it.
"A-hh!~" Reaper choked out. He sumond a pussy. "I always thought you 9 the dominant one..." I whisperd. "No worrys i was gonna fuck you anyway!" I shrugged. I sumond my member and put it at his entrance. "Ready?" I asked. "No-" "Too bad!" I said and started thrusting slowly. "Mmm~~" Reaper moaned lewdly. "Someone smells heated!~" I said trying to piss him off. And thrusted at inhuman speeds.
"A-AHH!!~" Reaper moaned loudly when I hit his prostate. "Found it...~"
I whisperd and kept abusing that spot.
"MORE PLEASE!~"  Reaper moaned as his eyes turned to hearts. I started to rub his clit and he only moaned louder. "DADDY!!~" He yelled as he came and i came in him. He past out right after that. So I picked him up and teleported to his house.

Geno obviously was pissed but i didnt care. So i left after putting him in his bed.

FINALLY FINISHED this took about 20 minutes and i made this and 2 am so yeah....... I have no Wifi right now in Detroit. So my storys are going to come out all at once when i go back to Texas and have Wifi and a sim card.

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