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A/N- I SINCERELY APOLOGIES TO EVERYONE FOR A LATE AND SINGLE UPDATE. I had caught a terrible fever that had borderline 100F these past couples of days. And to be honest I still feel like shit. I hope you enjoy this late chapter, I did not apply any edits so please spare me.


Alastor had woken up early today as he strolled about the many shopping districts of Hell. He has been in many shops since early morning and not a single shop had something remotely close to what he wanted. He had an idea on what he wanted however he was still hoping for something a little extra special to caught his attention.

He stalked the streets, ignoring demons scattering from his path as he kept looking through the shop displays. It wasn't long before he found himself pausing in front of a semi-destroyed building which he assumed occurred during the most recent turf war. However that wasn't why he stopped, small yellow flowers had seemed to have grown in the surrounding debris and cracks of the building.

Small clusters of dandelions littered the building, growing even in the smallest cracks. He couldn't help but remember what he read about them. The weed of the garden, the unwanted flowers despite their medical purposes and growth rate even in the worse of climates.

Something about them caused a small smile to fall on his lips before he continued on his walk, this time spring in his step. He knew exactly what he was going to get.


Angel was beyond exhausted as he leaned against the balcony's guardrails staring at the darkening sky. He had managed to escape the party to one of the many meeting rooms on the higher floors of the hotel that hosted a beautiful view of the flowers he grew decorating the hotel's courtyard below. He let a lazy smile fall on his lips as he suppressed a yawn threatening to come out as his eyes overlook the courtyard. He couldn't help but think about how his day had started.


He hasn't gotten much sleep if any at all since he returned from the rooftop last night. He had spent most of the night thinking to himself until the sounds of the early morning could be heard from a flock of birds passing by his window. When he finally felt the telltales signs of slumber begin to claw at him, it was quickly interrupted by a soft knock on his door. At first, he ignored it hoping it would go away on it own, but the knocking gradually got louder before a small cheerful voice spoke through the series of knocking.

With struggling willpower, he managed to convince himself that the person behind the door will probably won't go away nor was he going to get any sleep anyway.

Opening the door, he was greeted with Charlie looking down at a small slipboard before she looked up at him with a bright smile. As usual, she was radiating positive and just plain happy energy all the time it makes Angel wonder if she was on something sometimes. If so, he wondered if it would work for him, the thought made him laugh on the inside knowledge for a fact Charlie isn't that kind of person.

After her so-called lovely wake up call, Angel found himself following beside the small blonde woman as she ran through the final details of tonight's party with him.

It was about mid-afternoon when Charlie had finally decided to release him to deal with some other issues around the hotel. Checking a nearby clock, there were a few hours before the party actually started allowing Angel to freely roam around the hotel until time. Somehow, he made his way onto the rooftop. Upon arriving Angel body had naturally started toward the little rest area, but before he sat down on the chair he occupied last night he managed to stop himself.

He instantly took a step back as he began to question himself. He took a look at the set before him as though he had never seen them before a day of his life. He knew that their meetings had ended so why was he here expecting something? Angel could feel his heart tighten as he felt his eyes start to swell up just a bit. There was a rather loud commotion on the street that bought Angel to reality he blinked away the tears that threatened to fall before he silently started to make his way toward his room to get ready.

*End of Flashback*

The doors connecting the party and courtyard began opening, bring Angel out of his mind. The once empty courtyard began to fill up with music and people. With the party, Angel couldn't help the dread feeling in himself as he brushed back some hair from his face. The old Angel would have loved nothing more than be in the middle of the party especially one all about him. But now he wanted nothing more than to stay in his room alone and hope for the day to hurry up and end.

Angel let a sigh out as he pushed himself off the rail taking one last look at the buzz of people now crowding the courtyard. He turned on his heel, he began to leave the room walking down the empty hallways of the hotel back toward the party. He was suddenly pulled into one of the hotel rooms, fear instantly overtaking his body as he quickly pulled a small pistol out from under his clothing.

However before he could shoot the gun, it was quickly knocked out of his hands a loud thudding noise could be heard from where it landed. Angel didn't have time to retaliate he was turned around pinned to a wall as he came face to face with his capturer.

His heart was breathing rapidly in his chest as his eyes widen at the person holding him against the wall. Angel knew this person, in fact, he knew him all too well.



Here is the new cover for Flowers For You as well I drew a few days prior.

Here is the new cover for Flowers For You as well I drew a few days prior

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Also important. The new update day will be Thursday.  

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