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chapter 2

light shone on lucy's face through the window. she slowly opened her eyes and stretched. she smiled at the thought of having a new home. lucy got dressed and went downstairs.

"ah good morning! nice to see you up." gilbert greeted her.

"hello." lucy sat down. "where's bash?" she looked around.

"probably outside working. he's helping out around here, i've got to get to school." he replied. lucy's face lit up.

"school? oh what's it like?" she said out of excitement. gilbert snickered at her odd eagerness.

"school isn't that great. there's a school house for the town, all the kids go there. it keeps me occupied but our teacher is, well, strict." he got his stuff together and lucy nodded.

"i've always wanted to go to a real school." she sighed knowing that would probably never happen.

"if i could i would bring you with me, i'm sorry." gilbert felt bad.

"it's ok. you go along." lucy told him and he nodded.

"i'll be back soon bye." and with that, he left.

lucy was walking around the house. she loved the place and actually getting to roam around freely. she looked outside of the window and saw bash. she would love to help him but it was too cold for her. her current clothes barely did a good job in keeping her warm and she had nothing else. lucy sighed and continued to look around.


"hello lucy." bash walked inside and sat down, shivering.

"hi. how's the work going." she asked the man and sat down across from him.

"it's a little hard by myself but i'll manage." he nodded.

"i wanted to help out but i have no better clothes for the weather." lucy sighed.

"no it's fine don't feel like you have to." bash assured her.

"but i want to. you and gilbert have been so nice i feel obligated to give back. it's how my mama raised me." lucy replied. bash smiled. he grabbed a blanket and sat next to the heat since he was still shivering and lucy sat next to him.

the door opened and in came gilbert.

"ah. i warned you about the winters here." he said to bash.

"nah, not like this blythe. not like this. the sun isn't even real. it don't give you no heat. no warmth. no nothing. it just shine on you like some far away lantern in the sky." bash replied. "oh! and the air? how can i do any work if the air i breathe is out to kill me?" lucy snickered.

"he's not wrong." she said.

"let's get you situated." gilbert said to bash.

gilbert walked to his father's room and the two followed slowly behind. gilbert got some extra clothes from a box at the end of the bed and handed them to bash.

"dad would be happy that it's being appreciated. and you're pathetic." he smirked at bash. bash smiled back and looked up.

"thank you mr.blythe." he said. lucy realized that his dad must've died and she felt a sting that reminded her of her own father who she hadn't seen in a while. bash put on the sweater and gilbert looked at lucy.

"i'll take a trip to the city to get you your own new clothes." he told her and got ready to leave. she smiled.

"thank you. um is it ok if i stay here?" she was too nervous to go out in public from the fear of judgement. gilbert gave an understanding nod and she smiled. and once again, he was off.

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