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chapter eight

third person pov:
it was another chilly afternoon, the warm wind was blowing but the air was still cold. gilbert and lucy were having an after school snack and sat beside eachother.
"lucy! gilbert!" bash entered the room with a smiling mary behind him. "please tell mary if we had a baby she'd be just as beautiful as her." lucy smiled and rolled her eyes. they've been talking about kids for weeks now.

"i'm convinced if we had a baby, he'd be just as handsome as you bash." she pulled him down to her level for a kiss.

"some of us are trying to eat." gilbert laughed looking away. lucy laughed and covered her eyes.

"i have to go wash my eyes out with soap twice after seeing that." she said. mary and bash laughed as they parted and sat across from the two. lucy cleared her throat.
"if you'll excuse me, i'll be outside." she stood up.

"oh come on, we didn't bother you that much, did we?" bash joked. lucy smiled and shook her head no.

"just taking a walk again. i like to be outside." she said. gilbert stood up.

"that's fine, lucy. be back before dinner." he said and gave her a hug. lucy smiled and hugged back then she was off.

lucy walked down the path back towards the schoolhouse. she took an extra turn and ended back in the same spot billy showed her with the big rock. she sat on the rock and waited. everyday at the same time, they would meet up there. lucy didn't know why she did it but she couldn't stop herself. she actually enjoyed talking to him, it almost made up for how rude he could be. lucy tries helping him with it and he is getting better. he's even started talking to her more infront of the others. as she saw him walking towards her, she smiled and stood up.

"hello, lucy." he smiled back at her.

"hi billy." she replied. he pulled something out of his pocket and handed it to her. "what's that?" she asked.

"a cookie. my mother made them and i wanted you to have some." he said. lucy took it and ate it. she smiled, pleased, and continued eating. billy stared at her for a few short moments. "lucy i don't know why but i want to tell you something." he said. the girl looked up at him as she finished.

"what is it, billy?" she asked.

"i-i think i'm expected to be in courtship with josie." he said it as if he's been wanting to get it off his chest. part of lucy stung but she tried to ignore it. she tried her best to not change her facial expression.

"well, do you like josie?" she asked him. he shrugged.

"i don't know. i figured i could settle for her but anytime i think of me with her, my mind goes back to," he stopped himself from saying what he would've said and looked back to lucy. he put his hands in his pocket and looked away from her. "other things....or other people." lucy looked up at him.

"i think if you choose to commit to a person in that way, it should be someone you know you want to spend your life with." she said and billy looked back at her. there was a silence between them. billy was confused. his head and heart were thinking different things. he thought he should do as expected and be with josie but he felt a strong attraction to lucy and they've only known each other for such a short time. lucy on the other hand couldn't read billy. she knew they were already friends who could always have fun together but something in her felt as if it was a lie, or trick, or altogether not real at all.

"you know something lucy, you're unbelievable." he said out of no where. the girl gave a confused look. "people in avonlea have said nasty things about you but you ignore it. it's like they don't affect you. and josie is terrible to you." he explained. lucy sighed.

accepted | anne with an eOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora