Chapter five: "Star Wars, The Best Movie of All Time"

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"Hello ladies and gentlemen, thank you for riding American Airlines today, we will start flying in about five minutes. Have a nice flight." The robot sounding conducter spoke through the telephone. 

I sighed and took out a portable DVD player. I attatched it to the back of the seat in front of me, and put in the first (of the original trilogy) Star Wars movie. Call me a dork all you want, but I've loved them for years now.

Jason and I went trick-or-treating a few years back, him as Darth Vader and me as Princess Leia. For my birthday the previous year, he got me a light saber as a joke because I had never seen the movies and he didn't think I would understand it- which I didn't-, but that got me interested. I then watched the original trilogy with him and got hooked.

I was currently sitting in my seat, seatbelt hooked onto me not too tight, with ear buds plugged into the DVD player. The movie had just started and the introduction was scrolling up. I've seen the movie so many times I can read the intro by heart forward and backwards.

"Hey Jessie." I was nudged in the side by a giggling Louis Tomlinson. "Yes?" "Can I watch that with you?" I muttered a sure and gave him one side of my buds. 

2 hours later, Louis was holding onto me for dear life. "That. Was. AmaZAYN!" He screamed in my ear, causing people to send the both of us dirty looks. "Yeah, it's my favorite movie." I smiled one of my first real smiles in a while. "Aw, you're smile is so cute." He started poking my cheek. 

By force of habit, I took his hand from my face and twisted it around, causing him to groan in pain. I immediately released, a shocked look on both of our faces. "I'm sorry. It's kind-of.. Uh, habit?" I said as if a question.

I don't really know how to say "I almost broke your hand because I'm a spy and am trained to have quick reflex" without anyone finding out about me. "It's okay, love. No pain no gain." He smirked. I nervously laughed it off then took the movie out of the DVD case. 

"Another movie?" I turned over to see a different brunette sitting next to me than before. "Sure love." Harry smiled and pulled me closer to him. He moved the armrest up so I was right next to him, almost on top of him at this point. "I hope you like Star Wars," I said before putting the second movie into the slot.

Another 5 hours go by and I am extremely tired. I just saw the Star Wars trilogy, the first with Lou and the other two with Harry. Those boys are handfuls to deal with, especially when you're trying to watch the best movie of all time. 

My eye lids were drooping and I laid my head next to the window to my left. 

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