Chapter six: "Why Couldn't I Have Been A Normal Girl?"

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I was once again awoken by the voices of the five boys I have to call my friends. 

"So Haz, are you gonna ask her on a date?" I heard one voice say. "Maybe. I sure fancy her and all, but I have the feeling she doesn't fancy me back." He responded. "Oh come'n lad, everyone likes you!" Another voie pitched in. "Yeah mate, who wouldn't dig the Hazza?" I heard Harry groan while the rest of them laughed. "Look, Jessie's gorgeous and all, but I just don't think she likes me." Harry stated to them all. "This has never been hard for you, Haz, just go for it. I'm sure she fancies you." 

I started stirring around in my seat so they would know I was awakening and would stop talking about me. Why would they even talk about me when they know I'm right here? Probably because my head is laying on Harry's shoulder. Wait, why is my head on his shoulder? I thought I slept against the window? Lord I am so confused and my mind is juggling too many things at once.

They all shut up as I moved around, eventually opening my eyes to see five other pairs staring directly at me. "Would you lads like something?" I asked in my "British" accent. "Yes, the plane is landing in a few minutes now, so might want to be prepared for all the fans." Liam stated.

"It's okay, I have my gun with me." I joked, even though it wasn't a joke.

"We have now landed, thank you for flying today with American Airlines. Please come again, and enjoy your time in England," the robotic voice repeated. I mentally groaned as Harry got up, freely shoving his ass in my face. "Move your arse." I grumbled, pushing him away and walking past him. 

England. I'm in England. More specifically, I'm in London. 

Niall came up behind me and grabbed my waist, pulling me closer into himself. It felt awkward but I knew it was just so the cameras wouldn't exactly see me. "Okay Jessie, we need you to put on this hoodie and lay low. But since soon enough you'll be open with Harry, you have to hold his hand or whatever." Liam muttered, handing me sunglasses. 

I passed on the glasses and hoodie as I rolled my own way. As if I've never done this before, oh please. I smirked and grabbed Harry's hand. "Just follow my lead," I said in a quiet British accent. He nodded and I looked at the other four. "I know what I'm doing, just go when I send you the signal." They all turned heads to each other, wondering what such signal was. I walked over to Niall, the closest to me, and whispered in his ear what it would be.

He quickly nodded and walked back to the other boys. "Ready Harry?" Without speaking, he nodded his head again and we followed the boys out. They all had hoodies on with sunglasses, yet I was out in the open. 

We all walked into the crowded airport, the four boys all acting as their normal selves, Niall almost attacking a Starbucks for a scone. The rest were just nonchalantly walking behind him as Harry and I continued on our way. 

Paparazzi ran up to us, probably trying to figure out if Harry was Harry. "Ello, love." A photographer said, grabbing my hand and kissing it. "Is this your boyfriend, Mr. Styles?" He asked me. "No, this is my husband, Jonathon, and we are on our way to visit some old friends. But maybe this Mr. Styles is coming off the same plane... Might want to check over there." I spoke in my real accent as I motioned to the more people running off the plane and into the airport. "Okay, sorry to disturb you, thanks." He said and guided the rest of the paparazzi over there. 

One last photographer stayed, though. "Do you need something, sir?" I asked nicely to the 25-year-old-looking male in front of me. "Yes, I was just wondering why your 'husband' has a hoodie and glasses on." He smirked as I thought of an excuse. "I am mostly blind and they help me out," Harry started out. "And I am wearing the hoodie because it was damn cold in there." He finished, leaving me in utter shock of his almost perfect American accent.

The man left and Harry and I walked off laughing. The paparazzi were still looking for One Direction, going up to everyone asking about them. I saw Niall look back at me and I whistled lightly- but loud enough for him to hear-. He nodded and started screaming. "OH EM GEEEEE, IS THAT ONE DIRECTION OVER AT THE BAGGAGE? IT TOTALLY IS, LET'S GO EVERYONE." He yelled in a girly voice that cause me to giggle a bit. When Niall said it, he was turned around to everyone, so no one would know where the voice came from. 

Soon enough the entire spot was cleared out other than a few elders that didn't care or didn't have the strength. I motioned back to Niall and we all ran out of the airport. 

By the time we got out and to a cab, everyone was gasping for air, except for me. "Why aren't you tired?" Zayn wondered out loud to me. "Just used to it, I guess." We all hopped into a big van-looking cab. Liam sat in the passenger seat, guiding the driver to their apartment. 

Zayn and Louis sat in the back seat with Niall, and Harry and I sat in the far back. 

I could tell there was something wracking Harry's mind by the way he was just staring out the window thinking. 

"What's wrong Harry?" I went to grab his hand but he pulled back, rejecting my gesture. "Nothing." He muttered lightly, but I could still hear it. 

I didn't bother to respond, just moved farther away and thought about everything that's happened (Picture to the right).

First I get assigned a job as a bodyguard. Then I have to date one of them. Then Harry kisses me and I get weird feelings I didn't even get with Jason. The next thing I know we're off to England and I have to act British. I wake up and Harry is admitting his feelings to his friends. We then have to chase off paparazzi, and now Harry won't talk to me.

My life is so complicated, why couldn't I have been a normal girl? 


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