Episode 4: Jennifer Hudson and The End of The First Act

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"Only a child could make a playground of a graveyard," Jennifer nostalgically muses, more to herself than to her reader. "Today is Marsha Day, Mecha Fall's second Valentines day. The day our fool of a town's founder had asked his wife, Marsha, to marry him after seven years in the woman's company."

She continues to make her peanut butter sandwich, her on-the-go breakfast every Marsha Day. She and the rest of her family are in the kitchen.

"This is stupid!" Shaun argues again and angrily scoops another spoonful of serial into his mouth. He pulls at his best, green shirt's buttoned up collar. "Casey Weppler was a complete fool. Why do we...?"

"Sir," Their mother says, with a very sleepy Patrick on her hip. "It's Sir Casey Weppler..." She places the baby in his high chair and sighs, apparently Patrick was sick all night and she didn't sleep much." Jennifer, I've said it enough times to you. You tell him," She says – her exhaustion shows.

Jennifer's eyes sparkle at the opportunity, she quickly spins around and she suddenly straightens her back, places her hands on her hips and purses her lips. "Shaun Robert Hudson!" She say imitating her mother. "A man with a knighthood couldn't possibly have been a fool. He's just misunderstood,"

"But Knighthood or not, his actions point to him being a fool." Jennifer adds.

"Thank you, Darling." Her mother says.

"Always a pleasure," She answers and grabs her sandwich.

Before leaving for the best day of the year, she gives her mother a peck on the cheek, salutes her family with Aloha –the way Sir Casey Weppler always did – and heads out to school half an hour earlier than normal.

The outside air stings Jennifer's cheeks as she briskly walks to school, but no matter the cold. No matter that it's only Thursday. No matter anything! It's Marsha Day and that's all that matters.

"See, today is the day that Sir Casey Weppler missed a step,quite literally fell to one knee and accidentally proposed to his best friend and comrade, Marsha Heron." Jennifer smiles stupidly at the thought. What a picture! "Sir Casey wasn't really the best person to look up to. Before he obtained his knighthood, founded a town and proposed to Marsha, his only goal was to follow the unicorn trails. That's all. To follow them. There are many legends surrounding these mythical creatures, but Sir Casey Weppler didn't want to find a unicorn to have a wish granted, to obtain eternal life or to hunt it for a trophy. His goal was not to find unicorns at all." Jennifer walks past the library and turns down the main road that leads to school.

"All Sir Casey Weppler wanted to do was follow the unicorn trails. Needless to say, at the age of eighteen, he gathered a few friends and set off on his journey – Marsha Heron among the lot –and so it all began. They traveled far, very far, following the unicorn trails over ridges, through valleys and around mountains. They did this for five years before half of the party grew tired of following the trails. They begged Sir Casey to stop, to lay down roots somewhere, but he refused. Then, one day, Sir Casey walked off a small cliff and fell into the river below. On the way down he'd broken his leg, but luckily didn't die. After his accident his party set up camp around the river and in the months that followed explored the woods. They came across the water falls, that are now one of Mecha Falls' main attractions, and found that the soil around the river bed was excellent for farming. They refused to continue on with Sir Casey and a few others and stayed there, to farm. Sir Casey and the rest followed the trails, lost them and doubled back after having realized the futility of their mission,only to find that a flood had killed the wannabe farmers. So Marsha suggested that they rather settle atop the cliff where Sir Casey had fallen from and so Mechazele Falls was founded – named after Mechenzy and Ezekiel, Sir Casey's parents."

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