Episode 11 : You'd Think She'd Learn

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Jennifer thinks she gave a quick I have to go over her shoulder, to Enoch, before she left. But, Jennifer's not sure, in fact she's even considering going back to tell him just that. And, then, to leave for good. To run, to saddle up a horse and ride off into the mountains, never to be seen again.

But, before Jennifer could do any of that, Mr Nibbs came whistling down the corridor, his bucket and mop next to him on his Segway – the invisible guard of Offset High.

Never take a janitor lightly, they know everything, and are usually overlooked and that's what makes them so dangerous. When in doubt, it's always the janitor.

Mr Nibbs comes to a halt, spots Jennifer and waves. She nervously waves back and continues on her way to the office.

Before long she finds herself in front of Mr Glasby's closed door. The dark wood contrasts with the metallic name plate on the door – a golden warning, a threat to ward off the nosy as well as the equivalent of the decapitated head of an enemy, proudly mounted on a spike.

An internal image well summed up by the title of Principle.

Jennifer knocks on the door.

"Enter," she thinks she hears someone say, but the voice was soft enough that Jennifer was not quite sure. She slowly turns the handle and pushes the door inward.

"Come in. Come in." Mr Glasby says and tells Jennifer to take a seat. The roundish man is seated behind his desk, his hands folded over his belly as he leans back in his chair, all while still looking at her with pointed, cat-like eyes.

Jennifer walks in slowly, as though any sudden move would warrant an attack of some sort. Before Jennifer reaches the open chair, Jennifer spots her mother in a second seat, next to the one she were to take in, opposite the Principle's desk. Jennifer's mother is slumped against the arm rest, on which her elbow is propped as she rests her head on a half closed hand. As Jennifer takes in her seat, her mother smiles at her sadly.

His desk is relatively neat. There is a stack of papers in the one corner,  a coffee cup near them, a stationary holder to the right and a file, with Jennifer's name on, right in front of Mr Glasby on the table.

Jennifer swallows hard.

For a long second, all three parties regard each other in silence.

"It would be great if someone would say something..." Jennifer says and, as though Mr Glasby had heard her, he starts talking.

"Breathe, Ms Hudson you are not primarily at fault here. As you well know, your brother has deviated from his normal behavior over the course of the past few weeks and, as of the last incident, we've seen it fit to take disciplinary action. That is why your parents were called to school today, to discuss your brother's behavior and formally commence his suspension." Mr Glasby says and suddenly smiles before reverting his face back to its neutral state. "I digress, in the course of our review of Shawn's school records, your name came up a few times. You have built up quite a reputation of not paying attention in class, as well as disregarding homework, skipping class and, occasionally, skipping school. Now," He holds up his hand, opens Jennifer's file, smiles, and looks at her latest marks. "You're clearly a smart girl, it shows in your tests, but your work ethic is lacking. You are not a problem student, but the sooner we catch these types of... problems, the better."

His words wash over her with a cold wave.

"I will talk to the staff, ask them to check up on you. Your mother has also agreed to..." He looks at a spot in the distance. "She's agreed to help the process."

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