4 • doomed

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You stifled a yawn while the teacher spoke

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You stifled a yawn while the teacher spoke. "Today's training will be a bit different...you'll have three instructors this time." As Aizawa or Shota explained you zoned out staring at he distance to only find a man with a wide smile staring back at you. You rubbed and blinked your eyes to see if you were hallucinating, in which you thought you where because the figure isn't there anymore. Everyone started to grab onto their outfits, you doing the same. Well, except Deku..his was destroyed in the training yesterday.

"Ok! Everyone gather round in a straight line by number as we get in the bus!" Iida ordered as he waved around his choppy hand motions. This action made you snicker. The moment we all went in Iida deflated. "Ah, I didn't think it would be like this..." he sighed. Everyone sat in their own pleasured seat. The only available beside Bakugou so you sat there.

Tsuyu said something along the lines of All-Might and Midoriya but you didn't hear it fully. Midoriya seemed to start panicking but Kirishima interrupts his mumbling with a "Hold on Tsu," Kirishima paused for a moment. "You're forgetting All-Might doesn't hurt himself, that makes a huge difference." Said boy who they were talking about sighed in relief. "But still, its cool to have a simple augmenting quirk, you could do a lot of flashy stuff with it. My quirk can make me super strong so I can defeat bad guys but it doesn't look all that impressive." He said glumly. You shake your head and shout across the bus. "Hey! Your quirk is pretty cool!" Kirishima's eyes sparkled and thanked you. Midoriya added in the praising "I think your quirk is awesome, you're definitely pro material with a quirk like that!" he smiled with glee. Kirishima gushed and stared at his arm "You really think so? I think it'd be easier to be a pro hero with something flashier" "My navel later had the perfect amount of panash and strength!" Aoyama boasts smiling with pride. Mina snickered and crushed his confidence replying, "But its way lame if it gives you a stomach ache, sweets."

"Well, if any of our classmates have pro quirks, it's Todoroki and Bakugou" Kiri says and Tsu instantly replies boldly. "Mmm...kero. Sure but Bakugou's always angry, so he'll never be that popular anyway" You hummed in agreement picking at your nails. "THE FUCK YOU SAY? I'LL KICK YOUR ASS" said porcupine. "See?" She proved her point.

Kaminari snickered "You know..we basically just met you so that proves your personality is a pile of flaming hot garbage."

"Keep going and I'll pound your ass to the floor you'll regret ever coming here." Bakugou threatened. "This is such a vulgar conversation..." Momo murmured. "But..it's fun to watch the chaos happen." Uraraka and you stare at the same time. Looking at each other then bursting into fits of giggles. Aizawa clears his throat. "Hey, We're here. Stop messing around already." Aizawa scolds and we all stop our chaos. "Yes sir!" We all reply.

The bus finally comes to a stop and we get out, our eyes bulging out. "Woahhh" you whispered. "Hello everyone, I've been waiting for you." A series of gasps escape from others as you squint your eyes. "13..?" You thought to your self. "It's the space hero 13! The chivalrous hero who has saved millions of people around the globe!!" Midoriya fanboyed jumping up and down with glee. 13 then tells us to come inside and so we did and damn...this is fucking huge.

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