Chapter Seven

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Previously on the last chapter~~~~~

'I must take the kiss back from the person who has taken it, Bella will return to this world with all her memories, but my faith will forever be entwined with the one who had stolen it, and the memories of Bella and my children will disappear from my mind and from her mind as well and those who know of my correlation to them.'

        The notepad landed on the ground with a thud with Christopher frozen in place, the shock to much to bear, and the tears that he held back, fell against his will.


Chapter 7


        Christopher couldn't begin to comprehend, what he just read, the words spun in his head over and over. His mother is a faery? It didn't make since to him, his mother never mentioned anything about it, and even when he had brought Autumn home for the first time, he had not seen any clue whatsoever that his mother was a faery or is one. Did that mean that, he and his sisters had faery blood running through them?

        He had so many questions to ask his mother and his father, where was he? He had never run into the man, he couldn't even remember exactly what he looked like, but he would remember certain features that he saw in him and his sisters. A few years back, he had met a man once when he stopped at Grace's home but he did not see any recognition in the man's eyes and he himself did not bother to talk with the stranger. He simply handed him the pile of wood and went on his way, and he had not seen the man since then.

        That couldn't have been his father could it? And then it hit him, that year when he had dropped off the wood, he had gone into the city to sell the extras wood he had and stayed for a while looking into which college his sisters would go to. When he had spoken to his mother, she sounded sad, he picked up on the sadness, so he had asked her what was wrong. She had told him that someone that she knew dearly had passed away; he had not poked further, not wanting to upset his mother any further.

        His father was right in front of him the whole time and he had not even realized it, he couldn't even mourn his father on the day he passed away, because he knew nothing of him, but the few memories that he kept dear to his heart. Christopher stood there, his knees felt like they would give way, and when he felt his body going to fall, he quickly grabbed onto the desk.

        He roughly wiped away the tears from his cheek and reeled in his thoughts, he reminded himself why he came into his father's office in the first place. He picked up the note book, took some deep breaths, looked warily at the note book in his hand, but continued to read his father's writing.

        'Bella will turn into a human, her memories will sadly still be intact, and it hurts that I have to do something so devastating that will have her in tears for the rest of her life, but I can't think of letting her fade out of existence, she means too much to me. I just hope that there will be a time when we are reunited, with our memories along with it.'

        'I was told that they would put a memory in children's mind that would explain why their father was no longer in their lives, and they would not tell me what exactly was the memory that they were going to give them, it did upset me, but it did not weaken my resolve.'

        'Greta has a daughter named Grace from her previous marriage, he had divorced her because of his selfishness, she had needed some comfort and I had given her some and she had caught me off guard with the kiss. I had reprimanded her for it, and she did feel horrible about her actions, she realized she was trying to seek comfort the wrong way, and had apologized.'

        'I did not realize that, that one incident would have caused Bella to go in such a state, but I have to be strong for her, for the both of us, and our children. If you are reading this, then it means that I saved Bella and I no longer recognize my family. I wanted to write this to tell you even that I am not there, or that I cannot remember my family, you guys will forever plague my mind and heart without me knowing it, because even though my memories will be taken, the loved I felt for you guys will never dissipate.'

        Tears ran down Christopher's cheek again, his throat clogging, and unable to keep his cool any longer, he let go of the sobs that he had previously tried to stop from escaping his mouth. A hand touched his shoulder and he looked up, his vision blurred by tears, and he rubbed them away to see who stood in front of him. He froze, a man stood there, but he was more of an apparition then a man, his body was translucent. Christopher blinked twice to make sure that he wasn't hallucinating, but the words that came from the apparition's mouth made him become paralyze.

       "My son." The apparition looked worriedly at the young man sitting in what he knew was his office chair. Christopher looked at the apparition, he had short blond hair with strands of grey, and dark blue eyes stared back at him curiously.

"Who are you?" Christopher did not know why he bothered to ask, he knew exactly who the apparition in front of him was but did not want to confront reality, because it didn’t make since as to why the man was now standing in front of him at his time of distress.

"I am your father, and I know that everything that you have just read, must be hard to process, but believe me when I say that I did it out of love." The apparition said as he came closer to a quiet Christopher who looked at him with confusion, hurt, need, and there was so many emotions swirling in his eyes.

"After I passed on, I was given my memories back and I watched over you guys for years, watching you grow up into a fine man, and your sister's into the best things I could ever wish for. And Bella, my Bella, I have wished so many times to be able to comfort her during the nights she cried for me, but all I could do was watch it happen." The apparition looked towards his son longingly, wanting to comfort him but he knew it was not possible when his hand would go right through him, if he attempted to put his hand on Christopher's shoulder.

"I don't understand, this whole time you were right in front of me and I didn't know." Christopher finally spoke up in bewilderment.

"Do not dwell in the past son, I have a message that I was told to deliver to you as soon as possible before it's too late for the possibility." His father spoke quickly his face becoming firm, wanting to get straight to business, even though he wanted to speak more to his son and speak to the rest of his family but he didn't have much time.

"What is it father?" The flowed so easily from Christopher’s mouth and caught both him and his father off guard, and warmth filled his father, but he went back to the matter at hand.



what did you guys think of this chapter?

Did you expect the father to be in this chapter?

I think there will be two or three more chapters before the epilogue, so I hope that you guys are getting ready for the end. 

what do you think the father is going to tell him?

I would love to know the answers to these questions. Hope you enjoyed and don't forget to vommet!

LUV YA! ^_^

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