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It was a calm(too peaceful you may say)afternoon,when a young and rather petite girl with hazelnut hair which transitioned into gleaming golden tips strolled along the division between the forbidden forest and the black lake;two very eye opening attractions surrounding the magical world of Hogwarts.
The girl was called Hermione.
She gazed upon every step that she took,stalking every slight move she made.She was simply bored out of her mind.
You see,everyone had left Hogwarts to see their family as it was almost Christmas,Hermione's favourite holiday,however,her parents decided to take a vacation to heal from the previous years war caused by Voldemort and his followers,the death eaters.Out of the goodness of her heart,she let them spend those few weeks reflecting on their lives alone without her,as she believed she would only make matters worse if she was with them.It was her last year in Hogwarts.Although her dear friends;Harry Potter and Ron Weasley(a very good FRIEND) weren't there of course as they were spending time together with the Weasley family,she still wanted to spend as much time in Hogwarts as possible anyways to reflect on the good memories of her past.

Everyone had left,everyone but Hermione and....
Loony Lovegood.

*cough cough* sorry I mean

Luna Lovegood

Christmas with the white angel. Hermione x LunaWhere stories live. Discover now