The drawer

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Hermione could feel Luna's fingers gently slide over her pale,soft skin while gripping onto the soaked sponge,each touch causing her to blush a deeper shade of red.Her heart was pounding so hard that it felt like her chest was about to explode,the blood flowing through each of her veins felt like molten lava transforming to ice in a cycle.

All Luna saw when she was behind Hermione was her dainty ears reddening ever so slightly at the very tips ,awakening the sudden urge to just nibble onto them.
"I'm done." Luna spoke with a hoarseness in her voice due to the constant swallowing of her own saliva in hopes to swallow down her thirst.
"You can go now,I need to dry myself off and get dressed into my night wear." Said Hermione with a softness in her voice to show a hint of appreciation for Luna's help.
Luna nodded her head and returned to the bed.

30 minutes later...




"Oh Merlin!"

"Hermione can you please shut the fuck up."

"I caaaan't sleeeeeeeep." The brunette groaned with frustration while clinging onto Luna's thin waist burying her face deeply into the covers of the silky bed.
Luna thought to herself,thinking of the best way possible to knock out her new Christmas companion.
"I have an idea..."
"Wahhht"Hermione glanced to look into Luna's eyes only to be filled with absolute mesmerisation.
"Top drawer on the right hand side."
The curious Hermione strikes again,slowly rolling over to the the right side of the bed to reach out for the top drawer with her small hands,gradually opening it,only to find,


odd shaped object...

With classic cherry lube placed beside it :D

Christmas with the white angel. Hermione x LunaWhere stories live. Discover now