We could share a room?

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"H-hello?..anyone there?"the Nutella haired girl asked.


"Hehehe,you should've seen your face bwahaha" a voice replied.

Hermione looked up,eyes overflowing with shock and confusion,only too see...
The white angel;sitting on a quite thin yet stable branch attached to the tree.

"L-luna..what're you doing up there?"Mione tilted her head like a bemused puppy while stuttering helplessly due to her easily shaken upon nerves.
"Oh,you know,just watching over the thestrals"
*blink blink* Hermione tilted her head in the opposite direction,once again filled with bewilderment.
"Heehe sorry I forgot only very few people know what those are,well,they are very beautiful, yet intimidating creatures that only people who have seen death itself with their very own eyes are able to see..I think Harry can see them too can't he?"
"Oh..I suppose so..that's quite unfortunate.I'm sorry"Hermione muttered.
A very long silent pause haunted the two.
Hermione looked up once again and unintentionally glanced in the wrong place at the wrong time quickly tilting her head back down with the image of pink laced underwear from underneath Luna's skirt burned into her mind.
"I saw that~" Luna smirked wide enough that Hermione was able to see from a few feet away.
"Portus-" in just a blink of an eye Luna appeared right in front of Hermione,practically bumping into her, "oopsie,sorry about that"Luna giggled to herself straightening her skirt out to appear more formal in front of the teenage genius.
Hermione Granger remained stuck in time, utterly gobsmacked, ignoring the fact that Luna's hot breath brushed against her blushed cheek, "H-how did you do that? It took me a very long time to find this type of spell and I wasn't even able to conduct it myself"
"Oh,my father taught me how to use it not long ago,he thought it may be useful at times of emergency"
Hermione nodded her head,impressed about her ability.
"Now,shall we head back?It's getting a bit late,we don't want the werewolves hunting us now,do we? Hehehe"

After a silent yet dreamy walk,filled with beautiful views of the sunset slowly being absorbed by the night sky, the two girls stood by the entrance of the premises of their second home when suddenly the Gryffindor mumbled "s-should we perhaps share a room? You know..since we are one of the very few people that are at Hogwarts at the moment,it's pretty lonely at times"
"But isn't it against the rules to enter a house that is not your own?"Luna smirked.
Hermione laughs sarcastically with a hint of hostility.
The Ravenclaw speaks once again "alright...well,my rooms are pretty close to Mr Flinch's office and we don't want him getting suspicious,your rooms only have single beds so maybe we could go to the room of requirement? This way no one will find us."
Hermione nodded her head in agreement and followed the fading angelic figure walking past her strangely excited about spending the night with such an...unusual person.

Christmas with the white angel. Hermione x LunaWhere stories live. Discover now