Talk About It -2

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Peter POV
I just lay on my bed in Stark Tower, just contemplating why May didn't tell me. How I didn't notice that she was dying? Where am I going to get money for college? Think positive, right? The next episode of Queer Eye comes up and, I get a phone call.

"Hey, we need to talk. It's been forever since I talked to you." Nick said into the phone.

"Yeah, what's up babe." I respond. Ughhh, my boyfriend is cute.

"Will you go to Jonah's party with me?"

"Yeah, also Mr. Stark got a new intern, and he's going to go to Midtown."

"Cool, you should tell him to sit with us." Nick excitedly says.

"That's what I was thinking."

"How is your aunt? Is she getting better? " He asked concerned

"No, she's going to die." I say

"Don't say that, but I have to go. Bye" He ended the call. Nick and I have been dating for 2 months now. Before there was Gwen, and Mary Jane (not MJ). A knock on the door, which I'm assuming is from Mr. Stark is heard.

"Hey kid, how are ya. Is that Fab 5, I met them 6 months ago, at a benefit." Of course Mr. Stark, met the Fab 5.

"I could be better."

"So, you are going to be placed in my care once May is.... once May is-" Mr. Stark was cut off

"DEAD" I said the ugly truth, and started crying.

"I love her, and I don't want her to go." I stutter with tears in my eyes. 

"Hey, I get it. Steve and I will always be there for you." Mr. Stark said. I start completely crying. He gives me a hug.

"Is it okay is I can be alone for a few minutes before dinner." I say wiping tears from my face.

"Okay son." Mr. Stark's face froze.

"I didn't mean- oh who am I kidding you're basically my kid. Bye kid" he said.

"Friday, did Mr. Stark just call me his son." I confirm.

"Yes, boss did say that." Friday responds. Yay! I walk to the next room, and go knock Harley's door. I heard king of the clouds from the background. Oh. My. God. There is a huge hickey on his neck.

"Hey, Peter. What's up?" He asks in his low, hot voice. Did I just say that. I have a boyfriend, and he's probably not even gay. Whatever.

"So I was thinking we can sit together at lunch tomorrow, and Nick and I can show you around." I said weakly, trying not to look at his neck.

"Yeah, sure. Who's Nick?"

"You'll find out tomorrow." I smile.

》time skip to Monday《

Harley POV
"Okay so this is Gwen, MJ, Ned, and Miles." Peter explains.

"Cool, I have A.P. Bio first, do any of y'all have it." I ask the group.

"Yeah, I'll help you." A random voice asked from behind me.

"Hi Nick."

"Hi Petey." Mj and Gwen simultaneously rolled there eyes at Nick. Is there something wrong with him. I hope not.

"Hey you have World history third right. Me and Gwen will let you sit with us." MJ said as Gwen nodded along.

"You should come with us to the party." Miles invited.

"I don't know, I don't know anyone here." I nervously respond.

"Its all right we'll be with you." Ned chimed in. It was third period when Gwen motioned for me to come over.

"Hey, we have a sub, so it doesn't matter if we work. We just have to spill some tea sis." Gwen says. I start laughing, but they both look serious.

"Yeah what's up guys?" I immediately straighten my face.

"Nick is.... touchy per se." MJ speaks up.

"What do you mean." I'm so confused.

"He's dating Peter, but he might y'know act up...." Gwen says.

"Peter is gay?"

"Bi, he dated me, and Mary Jane, before." Gwen clarifys.

"So be careful around him. He is an asshole." MJ tells me. Was he really that bad. I dont think Peter would date someone if they would cheat. At lunch I sit in between Miles and Gwen. Miles had had headphones on mumbling the words to a song.

"What song are you listening to?" I ask

"Sunflower. Here." He gives me one of the sides of the headphones.

"This is a good song. Sunflower is going on my playlist." This song was so peaceful if that made sense. I give him back.

"Incoming." Gwen says. Ned groans. Miles gags. Mj rolls her eyes all the way to Asia.

"Hey Harls." Nick says.

"Yea erm its Harley." I stumble on the words, but eventually spit it out.

"I know I just give everyone nicknames like Gwen. I call her Gwanda." Nick cooly says

"You've never called me that." She says bored. Nick shoots her a death glare. Throughout lunch Nick eyes me, MJ warns me through text. I got all of their numbers.

"Hey does anyone have Phys Ed 7th." I ask.

"I do." Nick and Ned say at the same time.

"I think I'll go with Ned, because we have 6th together." MJ shoots me a look saying 'good job'. Phys Ed was something else since we're in the locker room. Nick is one of the medium popular guys. Changing when a guy is hitting on you all day can make you paranoid.

"Damn Harley, got dem abs." He tells me. I feel the blush form. I'm uncomfortable, I rush out quickly.
Oh boy

Hello my dudes. Phase 4 is being announced and I am dying . Hope y'all enjoyed it. It's pretty long eh.

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