Chapter 2

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Sweat trickles down my back as I lean against the truck, trying to keep myself upright. I need to move, but I don't think I can. Tentatively, I try lifting my right leg, but my effort only causes a violent shaking of my foot. My energy is gone, and my head pounds mercilessly.

"Janelle, will you give me two more..." My words die in my throat as the heavy tread of footsteps sound behind me.

This can't be happening, isn't he busy taking care of Jared? I duck my head, peeking underneath my arm to see Commander Marks, arms crossed, glaring a hole into my back. Two of the guards from the fight flank each side of him. This isn't good.

"I thought you said we had time."

"No, I told you they were coming," Janelle says. "You're the one that assumed we had time."

"Well, next time, can you be more specific."

Janelle laughs but doesn't say anything else.

Using the truck for support, I slowly face the Commander and flash him my most innocent smile. "How are you doing, sir? Long-time no see."

"No kidding kitchen duty seems like ages ago," Janelle tacks on, shooting me a questioning look.

All I can do is shrug. I have to waste time somehow while waiting for my energy to return.

"You seem to have run into a bit of trouble, sir," I say, scanning the black and blue faces of the soldiers standing beside Commander Marks. That probably wasn't the smartest thing to say, especially since his face tenses even more.

"Don't worry, black eyes make you look hot," Janelle says, sending a wink in the soldiers' direction. "Although, you might need to invent a better story than getting your butts kicked by a teenager."

I groan at Janelle's words knowing we are not going to be able to weasel our way out of this.

"What are you doing in the men's complex?" Commander Marks' eyes bore into mine, making me want to confess everything so that he'd turn away.

Tell him why you're here. Make life easier for everyone. The strange thought races through my head, and pressure builds inside me to tell. It takes what little energy I have left to keep my mouth from saying anything.

Instead, I carelessly look around. All eyes seem to have found our location on the outskirts of the training field.

"The men's section, this is the men's section? I could have sworn it was the boy's part, sir. Don't you agree, Janelle?"

"Yep, haven't seen any men around here, except for yourself, sir." Janelle's eyes move up and down the Commander, giving him a wink.

"Janelle, emotions," I whisper, for only her to hear. At my words Janelle's eyes get big and red tints her cheeks as she realizes that she's acting out emotions that aren't her own.

"I didn't mean that, sir," Janelle stutters. "Not to say that you're not...I mean sorry, sir."

"Don't let it happen again," he says flatly.

All she can do is shake her head; she can't make any promises.

Commander Marks pauses, slowly looking between Janelle and me. "I seem to have gotten a report that states two soldiers missed training."

"That's horrible sir, we'll let you know if we find them." I try to move off the truck, but my legs give out. Janelle's arm is there to keep me from falling.

"Can you read them the report, Zeke?"

One of The President's guards steps out. He must have been the one Jared nailed in the face with his head. Blood drips from his nose, and two rings of purple have started to form around his eyes. The bruises aren't the only thing noticeable about him. For being one of The President's men, he is relatively short. A little taller than me, but only by an inch or two.

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