Chapter 3

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           My eyes open to darkness and piercing pain. I close them instantly. They remain closed as I work through why my body feels different. Faces and images appear in my mind as I remember the events that have taken place.

That's the last time I'm going to sneak out anywhere. I feel awful, and the connection between Jared and I, doesn't seem to have changed.

Opening my eyes, I cautiously look around and find that I'm in the hospital wing. How did I end up here? The last thing I remember is talking to Commander Marks.

I close my eyes and focus my mind on yesterday, it all seems to center around Jared, as it did three years ago. Though this time, it's different. I've never connected to him like this before.

What am I saying? Of course, we haven't connected like this. He's dead or was, but now he's alive.

How is that possible?

I didn't feel him. For three years the subtle physical connection that bound us together was gone.

How can something that had been with me since birth suddenly disappear?

Now it's back, meaning he is too. Why?

There are so many unanswered questions. What is happening?

Deep inside, I feel a sigh, but it's not coming from me. Fear snakes through my body as the intensity of our connection hits me. I know that sigh belongs to Jared, that he's asleep and exhausted.

Somehow, we need to talk about what's going on.

Two pairs of footsteps break into my thoughts as they echo down the hallway. "Why didn't you call me when she first went down?" Through the pain, I recognize it as Dr. Williams.

"I didn't want attention drawn to her. She's been doing some crazy things lately, and I'm afraid of the repercussions her actions will cause."

"Meaning what, Commander?"

"Meaning she fainted in the boys' part of the complex. She and G2 snuck over there the other day."

What? How long have I been out?

"That's nothing new. They did that a couple of weeks ago to get back at two F group soldiers who had reported seeing them sneak into the kitchen." A chuckle follows these words.

At least someone thought that was funny. Commander Marks hadn't been too happy with Janelle and me for rearranging the boys' dorm rooms in a feminine fashion and confiscating some essential clothing items during parent's weekend. Our punishment was taking on the sentry duties the boys had for that month. Overkill if you ask me, but it was worth the looks on their faces. That's the last time they'll blab their mouths about something that's none of their business.

"But sir, they were in Compound B." The footsteps come to a halt. A heavy silence reigns in the room.

"They didn't see each other, did they?" The Doctor's voice is thin, barely audible.

"How do you think we took B26 out?"

"Use the names they chose for themselves, Commander. They're humans, not machines."

"I can't do that, sir, I'm under orders."

"Your orders under me are to use their names. Treat them like robots, and that's what they'll become. No conscience, no thoughts, just killing machines. They are only kids but have been made to do terrible things. They need to know what it's like to be kids, especially after..." His voice trails off.

Especially after what? I wish I can sit up and ask that question, but I know the moment I open my eyes, all talking will cease.

"Being in charge of him won't be a conflict of interest, will it Devon? You will treat him fairly."

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