Chapter 1

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Loki walked through the seemingly emptier palace halls. Without his wife or daughter, the castle felt much larger.

He missed them dearly. Not a day went by that he didn't think of them. He wished for them both to be back at his side.

Seeing Sigyn again was impossible, he knew, but he still held hope that one day he would see Hela again.

Perhaps he would have to wait until Thor was king. He had already waited twenty years. Thor's reign would come soon enough.

For now, however, he would honor them in any way he could.

Loki went to the palace gardens to collect some flowers. It was the anniversary of Sigyn's death once more.

As he went outside, he saw the large field in which Hela used to play. He smiled fondly, taking a seat on the bench.


Hela squealed as she ran around in the grass. She grew quiet for a moment when she tripped and fell, but she got up and kept going.

"Hela," Loki said. "You're going to get covered in dirt."

"Dada! Play!"

"You are playing."

"No. Dada play."

"You want me to play with you?"

"Yay!" Loki stood from the bench he was watching her on and walked over to her. She reached for his hand, and he took it gladly. She started running, dragging him behind her.

"Do be careful, darling," Loki said as he followed her.

"Up, up." Loki lifted her and laughed when she licked his face. "Wuv."

"All right, all right." He kissed her little cheek, smiling when he looked at her. "You have your mother's eyes."

"Mama?" Loki smiled sadly.

"Yes, Mama. Always remember how much she loves you, Hela." Hela curled her head up on Loki's chest. "Are you tired, love?" Hela nodded. "Let's get inside then."

"No, Dada. Outside."

"You want to nap outside?" She nodded again, and he chuckled as he sat down on the bench with her in his arms. He rocked her back and forth, bringing a kiss to her head. "Sweet dreams, darling."


Hela sat atop her throne, unable to tear her thoughts from her mother.

Every year on the same day, her subjects knew not to test her. They only came to her with urgent issues if any at all.

Not a single soul in her realm knew why this day was any different. She never told any of them. Not even her second in command, Troy.

"Queen Hela, are you all right?" Troy asked. She snapped out of her daze and took a deep breath in.

"You'll have to excuse me, Troy. I'll be right back."

"Sure." She stood from her throne, noticing the room tense as she did.

"I... I'll be back."

"Not to intrude, but maybe you should take the rest of the day to yourself."

"I can't ask you to do that."

"You don't have to."

"Thank you, Troy." Hela walked away quickly. She found her way to her room, shutting the door behind her. She removed her helm, letting her hair fall over her shoulders.

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