chapter 8. Awkward

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Couldn't think of a better title


Saihara's POV:

I slip my hand under the thief's mask. I kinda felt uneasy tugging on the mask. I shook my head before it was too late and pulled the mask off his face revealing.. "O-Ouma-kun?" I was, of course, shocked. Ouma was the thief. Ouma took a deep breath, finally getting his composure collected and spoke. "Yeah, it's me.." He reached up to his head, taking off his hat and untied his hair. "You really are a great detective, huh? After many other detectives and cops trying to figure out who I was, it had to be you." I looked down at the ground.

I looked around seeing that Fukawa already ran for it. "Why? ..Why did you do this?" I looked at him. I looked into his amethyst eyes. They were filled with guilt and relief. "Because.. Didn't I tell you before? It was my dream.." I raised a brow. I was confused. "Tell me before..?" He let out a chuckle as tears started forming in his eyes. "You seriously don't remember, do you, Saihara-chan? Got short term memory or something?" I looked to the side and scratched the back of my neck. What is he talking about? He stood up, feeling a little better. "Well, when you finally know what I'm talking about, let me know. I gotta dash!" He waved, wiping his eyes with his sleeve and ran off, hearing the police sirens nearby. "Wait! Ouma-kun!" I called, but he already disappeared. I sighed and stood up, walking the opposite direction of him. Policemen got out of their cars and got into position which made them look ridiculous. "Don't even bother, he got away, empty handed." A police officer looked at the others and nodded his head, signalling them to stop.

I rolled my eyes and walked back to my apartment. I looked at my hand with the mask in it.

'didn't I tell you before?'

~~~(care for another flashback anyone?)~~

Me and Ouma were sitting on the couch, watching on the t.v. Together. It was a show of cops tracking down a thief. "Saihara-kun! Isn't this amazing? They will never get that thief! The thief is really smart!" He always gets so happy when it comes to watching things like these. "Hm.. I don't know Ouma-kun, this case is kind of easy.. See? There is a finger print on the doorknob! The thief forgot to wear gloves!" I smiled, solving the case before the detective and cops on the television. "Aww man! Why do you have to know it so quickly?! One day, I will become a thief and make the unsolvable! Even you won't be able to solve it!" Ouma laughed and hugged Saihara, making him and myself blush. "W-..We'll see about that Ouma-kun.." I smiled and patted his head.

~~~That was a cute flashback!~~

I lied down in bed. "Had.. Ouma-kun and I.. been friends before?" I spoke to myself, shuffling to my side to face the dresser across the room, where the jump rope was. "This could use some kind of explaining.."

I pulled out my phone and remembered Akamatsu. ".... Shit.." I quickly unlocked my phone and called her.


"Akamatsu-san! Are you okay?!" I kind of panicked. 'Oh, Saihara-kun! How are you? I'm okay. I asked the police where you went and they said you went home kind of... angry.' I sighed, relieved knowing she was okay. "Yeah, I was.." I lied, I was more confused than angry. 'Well, I hope you get over it! I heard you almost figured out the Phantom Thief's true identity~! Did you get a glimpse?!' I shook my head. Should I tell her about it? Perhaps not now. "Sadly, I didn't." I sighed. I'm not really good at lying. 'I feel like you're not telling me the truth.. Your voice kinda gives it away you know.. Oh well, I'll just believe it.' I chuckled. "I should get some sleep. Oh, before I do, did you ever make it home? Sorry I left you there." I got out of bed and went over to the bathroom to get ready to brush my teeth. 'I'm actually almost at my house, it's just down the road. Hope you have a good one!' "Yep, you too, goodnight."

Is It You? [Phantom Thief AU/Oumasai/Saiouma]Where stories live. Discover now