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this chapter is ass but it's just here to explain some things and is technically a filler chapter i guess lol. toodles. 

Manny knocked on Lauren's apartment door then shifted the bags in his hand while he waited. Not even a couple seconds later, the door opened revealing a tired-looking Lauren. But as her eyes landed on Manny, they lit up as she smiled. "You really came," she said with a grin, stepping back to allow him in.

"You thought I was lying to you? I would never." Manny admitted, walking into the apartment, kissing her cheek then headed for the kitchen with Lauren following behind him.

"Whats all of this?" Lauren asked as she helped Manny unpack.

"Just some medicine and foods to help settle Emily's stomach. Also dinner some for us. How's Em feeling by the way?" Lauren sighed, looking over in the direction of Emily's room.

"She's still throwing up but not as often. I think she's getting there. Next, I know it's diarrhea and I'm not really prepared for that if I'm going to one hundred percent with you." Manny chuckled lightly before kissing Lauren's forehead.

"If I know anyone can handle anything, it's you. Plus I'm here so I'll try to help as much as I can." He whispered to her which made Lauren grin, much like Cheshire Cat.

"Thank you, Manny." Manny nodded before finishing unpacking the bags. "What's for dinner?" she asked, trying to look into the bags to see.

"It's a surprise until the other stuff is put away," Manny said amused making Lauren pout but she reluctantly put away the food and medicine Manny brought in then waited patiently as he seemed to check in the bag to make sure everything was in there before smiling up at her.

"What is your favorite type of food?"

"Easy, Asian or Hispanic dishes," Lauren answered immediately.

"Narrow it down to one," Manny ordered. Lauren has to think for a second before shrugging.

"Hispanic," Manny grinned as he unpacked the bags, showing Lauren what he brought. "No way!" She exclaimed happily.

"My mama y tía made this today and I asked if I could bring you some. She agreed and packed this bag for me. Tamales, elote, y mole. We have some family over before you say it's too much. And I wanted to make sure you were good and fed. And it seems as though my mama wants the same." He said quickly and nervously. Lauren grinned.

"Thank you," She said before standing up on her toes and kissing Manny's chin. "This is really sweet. Everything you do is sweet." Manny smiled, caressing Lauren's face for a second then kissing her forehead again, lingering there for a bit longer than normal — neither of them minded that— until Emily cried out. Pulling away, Lauren quickly rushed to her room, Manny following behind her and found Emily throwing up into the bucket beside her bed. Lauren sighed before rubbing her back to comfort her while Manny moved to grab the medicine he brought.

After they cleaned her up and got her to eat some crackers, both Manny and Lauren made their way back into the kitchen where their food waited. Manny played the food while Lauren poured them some drinks. Both of them sat at the table, saying grace then eating.

Manny watched Lauren, gauging her reaction and smiled when she moaned. "This is really good. Hispanic food could make me cum." Manny snorted as he laughed. "Shit. I did not mean to say that out loud,"

"It's okay, Lauren." He said still laughing. Not even attempting to stifle his laughter. Lauren pouted before stuffing more food into her mouth and slid down in her chair. "You're adorable. You know that right?"

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