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The Jones family every summer left Star City to go to New York City. This summer was different. Jace wanted to stay in Star City and hang out with his friends from school but tradition was always tradition for Jace's parents and they wouldn't allow it.

Jace remembers this day as 'the worst day of his life'. It was the day he had lost EVERYTHING.

On the drive out of Star City his parents began to argue about what route they should take to New York. It was always the same argument every summer and Jace had enough. Jace plugged in his earphones to tune their yelling out as their argument began to get personal.

Jace's father this summer chose to drove as Jace's mother always drove. When arguing on the route choice and their intelligence levels, Jace's father wasn't looking out into the street. The father was driving on the opposite side of the road and crashed into a incoming car.

Jace doesn't remember anything after that besides waking up at the hospital to his new family. Felicity Smoak and her mother who adopted Jace at only 15.



Jace Jones

I walk into my office and drop my bag of bagels on top of my desk, and lay my coffee next to my computer. I quickly find a seat as I begin to open up my computer, warming it up and logging into it. I dig into my bag of bagels and quickly take it out and take a huge bite of the bagel as my computer automatically opens my email as programmed to.

A bunch of unread emails show up, many from brands that want me to advertise their product in this month's issue along with emails from upcoming plans with dermatologists, and Star City's popular influencers that want to collaborate with me.

I work as the Head beauty editor for 'The Star' that is distributed to all of Star City. I was born and raised here in Star City and adventured off to New York City. The city of culture! I attended NYU and got my degree in journalism and worked at Vogue as a Beauty Editor working under Anna Winter for a couple of years. Afterwards, I decided to take things back home and bring my work to Star City where I've made a name for myself locally. Often times I make special appearances on the local morning news and talk about all the trends to go into every season and tips and tricks for men's skincare and grooming! I am indeed living my best life. #BestLifeWhoDis

I'm the kind of person who likes to work. I'm ambitious and extremely stubborn. Being stubborn, helps me get to where I want to be. I hang out with big name celebrities at brand sponsored events, along with attending big birthday parties where I'm flown out to L.A. for.

I hear a knock on my glass door and look up to see my assistant walking in with her iPad with my calendar/schedule on it. "Mr.Jones, Oliver Queen is ready for your interview." My assistant, Laura says kindly and I smile at her back.

"Thank you!" I say to her as she's only interning here without pay which makes me feel obligated to always feed her and it doesn't bother me. "Do you want a bagel? You can take one from the bag, I don't mind." I get up from my desk grabbing my phone so I can record this important interview.

"Thank you!" Laura says and goes into my office.

"Oh and don't forget to pick up the PR!?" I walk out of the office and walk towards an elevator and press the building level with the studio where Oliver Queen will be in. The elevator door opens to the studio and walk out seeing the studio in chaos as everyone is running around rushing to set up things.

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