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'The Star' HQ; Jace's Office
Jace Jones

I rush out of the elevator as I begin to walk towards my office. I made the mistake of oversleeping this morning. My phone had died from not being charged overnight, which caused my alarm to not go off. Luckily, I managed to wake up with my normal body clock 30 minutes after my alarm. 30 minutes, is 30 minutes especially in the industry I'm in. 

I run into my office, throwing my jacket off into my chair and quickly turn my computer on. I begin to see the computer on as all I want to do now is answer emails and plan for this next issue. I'm still determined to find Green Arrow, and I won't stop. Even if it means to play hero for Felicity's sake. 

"Mr. Jones, this just came in for you." My personal assistant walks in with a white bag with my name written on it. I look at the bag confused as it's a bag from a bakery I love from downtown. They make the best bagels.

"Oh thanks, but you didn't have to get this for me." I thank her and she looks at me confused.

"Sorry, but I didn't get this for you." She clears it up for me and I look at confused now. She hesitates and looks at me. "Someone told me to give this to you when I was on the way here for work. They told me you were going to be late and that you should eat breakfast." 

"What?" I ask her confused, and then shake it off as I don't care. "Never mind, thanks. Can you also please call Ole Henriksen's PR team and ask them about what they're releasing?" I give her a task and take the bag with my name on it from her. She takes the command and leaves my office, as I sit in my desk and look at the bag confused.

I open the bag to find my favorite bagel and I'm disturbed. I never knew I had fans, not the way that I imagined, especially not like this. Whoever this was, they knew that I was late which disturbed me even more. They were watching me and that scared me even more.

I turned around to stare at my open view at the city. I began to scan the city ground to see crowds of people walking around, as they couldn't be able to see me from this high above. I then look at the other building's windows and see the other people working, and a hotel were curtains are opened or closed. I can almost see everyone's business happening, and they can see mine. 

I shut my curtains as I feel my privacy and life has been disturbed in the worst way possible. I grab the white bag with my bagel inside of it and toss it into my trash can as I'm not willing to eat something from a stranger even one with an obsession for me. 


"I'm out for the day Mr. Jones." My assistant enters my office as she dismisses herself. I nod at her as I'm writing, and then look at my clock to see that it's 5pm. Everyone in the office is leaving and I should get going too. 

I begin to pack my things together and leave my office. Tonight is going to be my first night to track down Green Arrow. 

As I leave the building, I'm met with Oliver who waits outside the building. I walk towards him wanting to know why he's here and who he could be waiting for.

"Don't you have a million dollar business to run?" I mock him as he chuckles. 

"I was going to ask if you wanted to grab something to eat again?" He asks me and I hesitate as I've made plans to track Green Arrow. How would I even tell him that idea without sounding like a lunatic. "-I'm sorry about last night. I didn't mean to just run off like that."

"It's okay Oliver. I really wish I could but I'm working on an important story." I deny him and I feel guilty for doing so. He's a handsome sweet guy and it's a shame to see him be upset that I couldn't be with him. It upsets me even more to know that I'm more determined for this story than to be with him. 

"Wow, never in my life have I been rejected." Oliver jokes with me and we both chuckle. "it's not everyday someone rejects a handsome millionaire you know?"

"Well I'm sure there's more to you than your wallet. Plus It's not very often I get asked on second dates. Lets raincheck it?" I give Oliver hope as I'm not completely blowing him off. 

"Deal." Oliver settles on that and I nod. "So how about tomorrow then? Same time, same spot. 24 hours from now?" Oliver tries to make a plan with me and I smile as he's persistent. 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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