Another typical guy

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Katherine POV:

I was talking to Sebastian, he was staring at me. I told him he have English as me.

I was going to start walking to class but the floor was wet and I fall down backwards but Sebastian grabbed me before I hitted the ground. He stared into my eyes, admiring, why was he doing that?

- Wow beautiful wanted to be in my arms? He said smiling at me

-What? No!- I said getting up, ugh he was just like the other guys.

-Well I think you are lying- He said getting near me

- Don't understimate yourself, now let's go we can't be late to class

- Don't ruin this moment, is special

- This moment is not special, the floor is wet and well I'm in hells so I fell down and you just grabbed me, that's all. That was the right thing to do, if you are a gentleman

- I'm always a gentleman. Now I was thinking why not after classes we go for some drinks. Like a date

- I won't go on a date with you, and the answer is no. I barely know you and I have other things to do, better.- I was starting to get annoyed. He was another typical guy that flirt with me and thinks that I will fall for him.

- Ouch that hurts

- Are you coming to class or are you staying there? - I said starting to walk to English class

- Okay - He walked by my side, flirting with me, and trying to grab my hand or put his arm over my shoulder but I didn't let him. He has blond hair and dark brown eyes.

We arrived to class everyone was there, except for the teacher. I sit down in the first row, and Sebastian sits down behind me

- Don't worry, if you need help just tell me

- No thanks, I'm a good student- The whole class passed really slow, Sebastian was talking to me, and he annoyed me, a lot. He is the type of guys that thinks that will get any girl with a beautiful smile and nice comments. And he thinks that I'm that type of girl, but I'm not.

The classed finished and I started to head to my next class, Chemistry. But Sebastian starts to call for me

- What do you want?

- Well I need to get to my next class but I don't know where it is

- Couldn't you ask someone different, don't you see I'm in a hurry?

- But well you said earlier today that if we needed something we just asked you-

- Mmmm... fine, what's your next class?

- Physics

- You walk this corridor till the end and then you turn left and search for the class 312, is at the right

- Could you accompain me?- He said smiling at me

- Sorry I'm going the other side- I said smiling at him and then running.

After Chemistry I had, Geography, Maths and Science. I was heading to music, I love that class I can get all my worries away but when I arrived I saw him.

- Well beautiful I think we have English and music together. Who knows what other class

- Ughhh.... Please don't bother me while I'm playing

- I wouldn't do that - The professor arrived and said that we could play the instrument we want. I went to the piano and started to play. I played the whole class.

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