Memories from the past

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Nathan POV:

I was walking to the parking lot, thinking about what Katherine said. I was wrong, she didn't broke up with me because she wasn't in love. It was because I made plans about the future, and she wasn't ready for it. Mayne she is still in love with me, but I need to figure it out.

While I was walking to the parking lot I remembered the day we met


Today was the first day of school and I was running late because my clock didn't went off. I started to walk faster than usual and when I turned left to get to my class I crashedinto someone. This person had lots of papers, and books and when we crashed all of that fell down

-I'm so sorry, I'm just very distracted-This person said bending down. This person has a girly voice, so is a girl.

-It's okay, it's my fault I wasn't looking where I was going- I said bending down and collecting her books. I finished collecting her books and got up, when I saw her face she was truly beautiful, she had long blond wavy hair and had green eyes.

-Thanks- She said grabbing the books from my arms

-I'm Nathan, Nathan Seltant- I said extending my hand

-I'm Katherine, Katherine Stevenson- She said grabbing it and shaking it

-I'm sorry I have to go- she said starting to run, there I stood seeing her leave.


That was the beggining of our relationship. I got in the car and drove home, I tried calling her but it always sent me to voice mail. I tried one last time and it rang and rang and then

Hey it's Katherine. I'm sorry I can't answer you right now but leave a message and I'll call you back. *BEEP*

-Hey Kath, it's me, Nath. I'm truly sorry about what happened earlier, I didn't meant to do that, please call me back I hate seeing you cry..... Bye- I was going to say love you but I know I can't we are not even friends.
I send her the things of the list, I won't say anything if she doesn't respond is that she doesn't want to talk, I sent her that and then went to bed.

Katherine POV:

I was running through the halls of the school, I was running late and I couldn't stop thinking about that guy I crashed. I arrived to my first class, maths.

-Katherine you are late- My teacher said

-I'm sorry Miss Anne, it won't happen again- I said walking to an empty place in the third row. I sat down and opened my notebook and book, then the class started.

After 10 minutes, Nathan, they guy I bumped into arrived to class

-You are 10 minutes late, what happened?- Miss Annie

-I'm sorry Miss, I didn't knew what class I had so I needed to go to the director's office, I have this excuse- He said giving her a paper

-Fine, but this is a one time thing alright?- She said looking at him mad

-Yes miss- He said. He started to look for an empty place but he didn't saw one, until he saw there was an empty place by my side. He walked to the empty chair and sat down

-Hey- He whispered

-Hey- I said. He opened his notebook and book.

Through the whole class I stared at him, he has really hot. He has brunette hair and green eyes, I saw that his expression were confused and lost, I think he doesn't understands.

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