The Bra¢el€t 10

89 1 1

Grey's POV

Ok, so today is Thursday, and right now someone is screaming at the top of they're lungs saying, "WHY DO YOU THINK I'M HERE? I DON'T CARE IF YOU LIKE THE FAERIS'S AND WANT ME OUT OF IT! I'M HERE TO STAY. GET RID OF THOSE THOUGHTS NOW." I knew exactly who was screaming that. I rushed down the hall and I pushed through the crowd of students to see Miranda facing the three snobs of this school, Britteny, Garcia, and Maxine. God I hated them because they never left me alone.

I walk up quickly to Miranda and grab her arm only to see her eyes looking like she had been crying alot. her eyes didn't even look like her regular icey blue that made me melt. They were cold grey and we're screaming hatred at the three snobs. She looked up at me and her expression softened a bit as she looked like she was about to blow.

"Miranda, let's just go." She turns her expression back into a glare as she turns back her head from me and starts to glare at the girls again but not before I make my move. I grab her arm with both of my hands and pull her out of the parting crowd and get her to outside. She gives me a shocked expression and I can see her anger boil up. "Why did you bring me out?! I was about to give those girls a -" I stopped her before she could even finish.

I kissed her softely and once I parted she gave me back a kiss and our lips were in sync as she took her hands and put them around my neck as I put my arms around her hips and pulled her in closer. She parted this time for air and smiled bigger then when she always smiles. My heart fluttered with joy at her expression and I put my forehead against hers smiling also.

"Thanks, Grey. I thought I would never stop." I put my finger on her mouth as I tried to savor the moment but I could see her shaking her body making her laugh silently.

I couldn't keep it in any longer so I laughed while trying to keep eye contact with her.

"So.." I calmed down a little, "Why are your eyes red?" She suddenly glanced away and I saw her eyes fill with sadness. "Because..." She hestaited and looked up at me, " I thought they were going to make you hate me." I grimaced at that a bit but I shook my head, "Never Mirry, never. I'd rather die then let them make me hate you." She smiled a little but I knew she was still sad so I grabbed her and closed the space in between us and hugged her close.

"Grey.." "Shush, your okay, i'm yours ok? No one can change that." I let her cry softly into my black shirt and we stayed there for a while. She finally pulled back and wiped away stray tears. "Sorry Grey, I sorta messed up your shirt." I laughed as she laughed softly too with me. From then on, i'll try my best to comfort her. Even if I do say mean things I don't mean at times.

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