The Bra¢el€t 16

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Caesar's POV

Again, the awkward moment when your friend that's a girl 'drops' in your room and your parent's think the wrong idea.

"So Caesar...." my mother glares at me for a split second at the dinner table then gives Martha a big smile and holds her hand, "What is your name deary?" Martha looks a little startled but then I feel a confident vibe come from her unlike the one where she's always hiding something.

"I'm Martha Angeline Faeris. I have 9 brothers and 1 little sister." My fathers mouth gapes open a little after hearing the sibling part but he quickly composes himself. "Well Angeline," Martha slightly cringes a little at her name for some reason, "Does your brother's know your here?" Martha nods her head but I know she's lieing.

Martha's POV

"Thank you for the food Mrs. Conner it was delicious." "No Angeline thank you, for the visit. You can stay over if you would like." "Thank you Mrs. Conner." I look over to Caesar to see his dad whispering something in his ear and and Caesar's face becomes bright red and I giggle a bit but wondering what his dad said.

He grabs my hand and starts walking away, "Night mom and dad have a good slumber." He quickly says and walks up the stairs sorta dragging me with him. We get to his room and he shuts the door and locks it, I guess making sure his parent's don't come in randomly during our talk.

He turns over to me, "So what are you here for?" he questions me, "Because I feel like I can trust you, and I was guilty that you worried over me. So i'm going to tell you why I ran.." Then I go into the whole explanation of my memory and when I was finished Caesar's expression was blank.

"That was.... horrible. I can't believe you went through all that." I suddenly felt something hot pulsing on my wrist and I looked down to see the bracelet glowing a bright red. I looked up to see that Caesar was in front of me and he cupped my cheek looking at me with a small smile on his face.

"You know, I've changed since you came here. And that bracelet was the only link I had to you. But still... Atleast your still yourself even after something so horrible happened." That tingling feeling keeps coming back everytime he touches my skin and this time I didn't ignore it. I actually enjoyed it.

Suddenly the burning increased spreading through my body until it was burning so much I felt like I was on fire. I almost collapsed but I was stopped when he grabbed my waist and pulled me into his chest. The burning slowly starts becoming cold and I look up at him noticing that my cheeks were still on fire but I was probably blushing like mad. He looks down at me with every happy expression crossed his face.

I felt like my body moved on it's own as I started inching closer to his face and he did the same until his lips were hovering over mine.

I closed the distance and we soon both started moving in sync together. I snake my arms around his neck and my hands tangle in his hair while he pulls me closer with his arms around my waist. He parts as we both gasp for air but then we lock in again as he brings me over to his bed and lays me down not even parting lips.

He lays down next to me as we're both tangled together. We part again and I look into his eyes getting lost in them and since i'm so close I can see all his details on his face. He has a hint of gold in his dark blue eyes, has a faint line of a scar going down his left eye but its so faint I can barely see it. He looks at me with his eyes sparkling and a smile as his dark brown hair falls down in front his eyes.

"Hey Martha?" "Yes?" "Can I call you Angel?" I sorta freeze at that because I suddenly remembered all my old friends calling me that, including Summer until a few days she got bored of it. But I grew confident now. "Sure Caesar." His smile grows bigger as he leans in to kiss me again and I followed his move as the kiss deepened.

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