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it was so far a normal day. It wasn't anything special: the star sanses attacked, nightmare and his crew beat them (yet again) and they just went back to the castle. Killer was his normal quiet, obedient self: error was in the antivoid and everyone else was either asleep or eating...except from nightmare that is...nightmare was bothered by something. He couldn't quite put his finger on it but it bothered him. One thing he did know though was that it was something to do with killer. Killer was seemingly emotionless, he always wore the same blank expression...but to nightmare it wasn't blank.. it hid something..a secret. Nightmare generally knew everything about his team. Killer, he thought, was an exception.

Nightmare sat in his room, pondering the thought,"what could the secret be?is there more than one?". The uncertainty frustrated him, he NEEDED to know...his thoughts were interrupted with an abrupt knock at the door."come in.."

"...you wanted me?" there stood killer. His face plastered with nothingness and 2 black voids as eye sockets starting straight at nightmare. Nightmare stared back at his devoid expression. Nightmare jestured for him to sit down on his bed, so killer obeyed. He closed the door behind him and sat behind nightmare. Killer looked his boss straight in the eye. "what are you hiding?" nightmare decided to give it to killer on a plate."what?" killer was confused, but not just that...he was scared, he wouldn't dare show it though...Nightmare repeated the question only to be given the same reply along with a "i don't know what you mean.." "don't talk shit...what secrets are you keeping from me?" killer, even more scared now, tried to explain to nightmare that he was mistaken, THAT was complete bullshit and nightmare could sense it but he had to let it go..after all, nightmare knew all to well how determined killer could be...correction: USED to be.. killer had lost most of his will. Nightmare figured it was boredom...but was it? Was it really? killer was about to give in when nightmare had done. He was pretty thankful he was able to hold off for long enough but it was still a close call. Killer got up and headed through the doorway, closing it behind him. 'i'll get it out of you soon' nightmare thought as killer walked further down the hallway until all you could see was darkness trailing from the door.

killer sighed when he got into his room."That was fucking close...." he mumbled to himself as he closed the door. He sat on his bed and rolled up his sleeve. He stared down at his bones...

ooohhh cliffhanger, yeah this is short and crapp

killer x nightmareWhere stories live. Discover now