Chapter 3 : Revenge of the Hive

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"Why does it matter, Doctor ? Hybrid or not, this alien is just the same as any other of them ! Savage and brutal, just like the Yautja species."
His eyelids flickered open and shut as he began to regain consciousness
"Are you sure ? Doctor, look at her ! She's the next her nation of the alien species, this is like the next step in the Xenomorph evolution !"
He was in a daze, he didn't remember anything from what happened yesterday, or even when he had fallen asleep, or even what today was. But he does remember the Xenomorph he met on his ship who saved him. But wait, where was she ? Hadn't she taken him to planet Xenomorph prime with the hive ? Then, his attention turned to the voices coming from his right, realizing he was laying on his back on a bed inside a prison cell with red hologram bars in front of him, and outside he saw a dozen doctors and scientists all gathered a lab room, with a ton of green water filled tanks with deformed Xenomorph specimens who were either half formed or not fully grown, but above them all he noticed in the front of the scientists was The Xenomorph equivalent of a large glass tank with her floating inside unconscious and hooked up to many tubes connected to the tank, and also cradled up.
"Still...It's so strange how human this Xenomorph looks, and acted as we captured it."
"Yeah. Look at its appearance, normally you'd expect them to be flat out hideous monsters, but this one. No. It's defiantly a hybrid, there's no way it could've just simply evolved into a more human like appearance. Xenomorph and Humans are completely different, we evolved millions of years ago from a common ancestor, and us, mind you, are more civilized, while they're are more primordial and predatory."
Y/N, without anybody knowing, had slowly stood up from his bed, and had been listening into everything the scientists were saying.
"Sorry doc, but that contradicts the evidence that is here before us, no other Xenomorph species has ever looked this human, the curved legs and hips, the human breasts on its chest, more human lips hands and joints, it even has lips to cover its teeth."
"But it still has a tail, and same head size and shape as a Xenomorph, as well as sharp claws at the ends of its fingers."
Said One scientist pointing to her body parts, then, another
"And it's Intelligence seemed to be higher then that of a common Xenomorph or a chimpanzee, or even a Queen Xenomorph, and given from all the tests we ran with her, has intelligence rivaling that of a Troodon, one of the smartest dinosaurs to have ever walked the earth before the extinction events."
Said one scientist shaking off video footage of all the recording documentaries of when they locked her inside a Xenomorph proof cage, where she squirming around and thrashing at soldiers outside of the cage who tried to come close to her cage, and she snarled, then when it showed that she even grabbed a soldier by the neck and holding him to her face and hissed, and he was about to pull out a gun for defense, the camera cut to the next footage of her now inside a testing room, in a open white room, she was creepily walking closer towards a scientist in front of her, who had their hand in front of her and telling her to stay back, to which she responded curiously by sniffing the scientist, but then gagged at their scent, and then swayed her hands up showing off her claws and snarling at the scientist again and stepping closer, then the scientist feeling threatened pulled out a tazzer gun and tazzer her making her screech in anger, she grabbed the tazzer gun and slammed to the ground and stomped on it, and grabbed the scientist by the shoulder about to attack, as the cameraman and a few other scientists started running tears her, then the camera faded to static, and switched to another footage, this time, she seemed more calm and tamed in the same laboratory, they were running some tests with her using objects and toys to see how she reacts, and even showing her how human food is made, and shockingly she copied what they did.
"Also, it seemed to have hormonal impulses like a human too, did you notice it really seemed to like the lieutenant from one of Ripley's ships ? She was even purring whenever she noticed him still asleep in his cell."
"And yet, she doesn't require the ability to communicate for human language.."
"But yet, she can understand what words are.."
It was then when Y/N payed more attention to the camera footage being played instead of what the scientists were saying still unnoticed to them.
Y/N however after watching most of the footage, became angered at the scientists for keeping her captive as a lab rat, but then, started to catch word of them now planning to exterminate him, due to the relationship he shared with her.
"Yes, it's probably to stay safe, who knows what he could be carrying, possibly a chest bursted, and We should inform Ripley"
Y/N then noticed there was a armed guard standing beside his cell with a rifle, Y/N, then stealthily crept towards the guard, and put his fingers on the vital points of his neck, causing his fall unconscious on the floor, Y/N quickly reached through the red laser bars, and grabbed the rifle, and then noticed the hand scanner on the side of the cell. The scientists then heard the noise the guard made when he fell unconscious on the floor, and they all turned to see that Y/N was awake, and he used the guards hand on the hand scanner to turn off the laser bars and free himself.
"Wait, Stop !-"
Y/N then raised his rifle and fired a round at the scientist until they all dropped to the floor, and he ran to the tube which contained his Xenomorph girl, and shot at the glass careful not to shoot her herself, and the holes made in the glass began to leak with streams of water, as the pressure then caused the glass to break and the water flooded the floor and drowning the bloody bodies of the scientists, he then walked to the tank, and dropped his gun then tearing off the tubes connected to her chest and mouth, and then pulling her out from the tank carrying her in his arms. She was wet, cradled and unconscious still, but he decided to then find a way out, but then one of the doors opened a dozen armed soldiers came in pointing guns at him, telling him to freeze as lasers pointed to his back, he slowly turned around to face them.
"Traitor, how could you do all of this just to save that...thing!"
"This thing is mind. And it's a she. Plus, you were all plotting to execute me."
He said, as he heard her then begin to wake up, but still in a daze as her head rolled to the size.
"Well, I guess we'll still be able to carry out that order regardless if you rebel."
The lead soldier then raised his rifle, but then caught wind of the gunfire being fired just above the ceiling, and the sound of screaming, then the ceiling started to leak with green acid burning through melting a hole with acid dripping onto the floor in front of Y/N and the soldiers, and a regular Xenomorph then fell through the floor on its feet and letting out a screech, as it then turned to Y/N carrying his Xenomorph love, and then turned to the soldiers, and then screeched at them about to attack
"Open fire !"
The leader shouted as all the men fired at the Xenomorph who then lunged at the leader and clawed at his face, and began mauling him, then another Xenomorph had fell through, who caught notice of his other comrade, and aided them in battle. Y/N then picked up his rifle while still carrying her, then made a run for it through the other exit, those two Xenomorph were no doubt members of her hive who had come to help. Y/N eventually made it out of the ship unscathed and made it to an escape pod, and drove it out into the depths of space.

After some time, Y/N was staring into the deep abyss that was outer space, he noticed that she had finally woken up in the back of the escape pod, to which he had put the escape pod on auto drive, and stepped up from his seat and walked to her who then looked up and saw him, and she then smiled, standing up and swaying her tail, despite that she was taller, she came to Y/N with the Xenomorph equivalent of a purr, as he then sat down beside her, and she crept over to him, and she then gave him one of the most human things he had seen from her, she gave him a kiss on his cheek, and she nuzzled her head against his purring louder.

Y/N smiled and blushed giving into his feelings, she then crept onto his lap, her tail wrapping itself around his torso, and then pulling him closer to her, hugging him as his head was pressed against her purple breasts feeling the beats of her heart, which also sounded like a humans heart, and feeling the vibrations of her vocalizing and purring out of pleasure as he then, lowered his hands, and feeling her butt, which was the one human trait of her he really admired, as he then looked up her, as she smiled at him, and then kissed him on the lips, and he did the same kissing passionately for hours, then, Y/N noticed something, she was becoming very suggestive, as she used her tail to lift up his shirt, revaluing his flesh, as she slid her hands slowly down his arms and purred louder. She was ready to mate.

She then began to pull of Y/N clothes with ease, and stripped down to wear his genitals were plain in sight, she then lifted herself reveling her slit, and lowered herself as Y/N's rod went up into, making them both moan from pleasure, and held each other close as they began to mate on the ship setting a course for planet Xenomorph prime, and also bringing a new generation of Xenomorph.

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