We found Keith

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(Lance POV)
quietly over to the bed I took a deep breath and push the curtains out-of-the-way what I saw was Keith he was sleeping he had cat ears and he had tipe of caller on with a red light he was so calm hunk stepped over to me and made a loud noise and Keith woke up and the words that came out of his mouth was"Is that you lotor" I was just standing there when he finally opened his eyes when she saw me and hunk he made a run for the wall and a small opening and he ran in it and before I made it there it closed and then I told hunk to call pidge to help us out with what just happened

(Keith POV)
I ran into the little hole in the wall that only opened for me and lotor and when I was in there I called lotor for help with what is happening it was the paladins thay came for me and I didn't want to go back with them and leave what I loved so when lotor picks up the phone he sounds very mad which scared me "l-lo-Lotor I n-ned help the p-paladins are in our room and I'm in my hole in the wall" it was a fu min be for he responded with"I'll be there in a little bit stay were you are" "ok little red" then it was over

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