Ho noooo

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(Keith POV)
The smell of chloroform filled my nostrils. I was right there trying to take me away as I was about to black out I saw the blue pallet and running down the hallway of the ship.

(Times get brought to you by your lazy author)

As I woke up I noticed I was tied down to a table the light was blinding the hanging overhead light was swing back-and-forth it made me feel sick so I close my eyes tight shut.as my eyes were shut I heard the door swiftly slide open and then stopping of feet it sound like they were still in armour I didn't wanna open my eyes I figured what I was going to see. Just and I heard it" I know you're awake there's cameras in here you know that" The man's voice was tough and harsh he sounded old. I slowly open my eyes the face of a man flooded my vision he had white hair and was in armour? Just then I regained my senses I looked at the armour is black.He was a black paladin and know my heart was racing faster than I ever thought it could. I thought it was going to explode for my chest" hey hey calm down!" He spoke in a rush tone he sounded worried that's when I heard the beeping noise I look to my right and saw a heart monitor it was attached to me that's how he saw my heart was rapidly beating. Just as I thought things could never get worse The rest of the paladins walked in armour and all with the weapons in hand. I stared at them for a second then recalled what happened while I was on the ship. They kidnap me?! I was so in thought that when A hand touch my shoulder I jumped a little. I was surprised to say the least they weren't hurting me that scared me the most.........

(sorry about the short chapter but at least it's out I had a question would you guys be OK for me make another book a Hunter X Hunter crossover with assassination classroom??? Because I was thinking class and this popped up I want your opinions please bye~)

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