LPP Saturday on a Sunday

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Sorry I missed yesterday LPP Saturday, but the cord to my I pad went out.

Troy posted this yesterday.

From funku.fr, April 2017, interview with :
'I have always been into fashion. My sister, who studied European fashion and always kept magazines around the house, was a big influence. She also made most of the stage outfits for myself earlier on, and Prince before and during his early solo career. She made the infamous trench coats and the animal print vest and bottoms that Prince wore back then. As far as the clear pants, I found them in a shop in George Town DC and I bought all of them that they had in my size. Beyond that, I would go through magazines at the time and when I came across something that I thought would work for what we were trying to project at the time I'd either rock it or cut it out and show it to Prince or my sister and she would make it. I also had a favorite shop in soho called Trash in Vaudeville, a lot of the clothes we wore back then came from there.'


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