Chapter 8

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Skipping to moving day

Skylar's pov

So after hours and hours of begging and not to mention losing I reluctantly had to go and pack. Once I was finished the moving truck came and we started to load up the truck which took three to four hours, I lost count. After that was done we went in the car and started to drive to the new house. It wasn't that far probably twenty minutes tops away from the house and I realized three minutes away from Wes, Keats and Tyler's house. Once we arrived I was shocked at how huge the house was, it was gorgeous and I went inside to look at it. First I went to the backyard which was huge it had a pool so I was happy about that, then I went inside the house which had the living room, kitchen and yeah, then upstairs is where the rooms were. Since I was the only girl I was able to pick the room with the balcony and my own bathroom so I was happy with that. Then the basement which is where the air hockey table is going to go and that's like the hang out place oh and I forgot to mention outside by the pool is the jacuzzi so yeah. The only downside is my room is between my brother and hayes' room and then across is nash, cam and matt who are the most protective so that's going to suck. Well we are all moved in now so I am going to go sit with the guys now.

End of pov

Skylar: I have a question

Taylor: what's up?

Skylar: what's going to happen with school?

Sam: we talked about it and we figured that since we will be on tour and stuff that you could do online school like hayes does

Skylar: I guess that will work

Carter: okay also tonight our girlfriends are coming over so you will get to meet them

Skylar: okay! I could really use some girl time, hey Sammy is it okay if I go to the Starbucks across the street?

Sam: I don't know sky by yourself?

Skylar: please I'll only be gone a couple of minutes pretty please

Sam: alright you can go but you better be back in ten minutes tops understood?

Skylar: yes! I'll be right back! (She says bye and walks out the door)

Skylar's pov

Jeez keeping up that image is going to be tough but it's the only way I can get them off my back! I realized if I keep doing stupid stuff during the day I will get caught so I'll just do it at night when everyone's asleep and hopefully that works out. Anyways I just arrived at Starbucks got myself a drink and two cookies and as I was about to sit down, I bumped into someone and looked up and saw...

End of pov

?: I am so sorry here let me help you

Skylar: oh that's okay I got it but thanks

?: I am reed

Skylar: wait as in reed deming who was on the xfactor

Reed: yeah but that was a while ago

Skylar: still you could say I was a fan since you auditioned

Reed: aw thanks but you look familiar too

Skylar: yeah well that's because I am sam pottorff's sister so...

Reed: now i recognize you! Okay that's cool

Skylar: yeah... Not really but okay

Reed: can I buy you another drink since I bumped into you

Skylar: oh no you don't have to do that

Reed: but I want to

Skylar: okay I guess if you don't really mind

Reed: not at all

(He buys her a new drink and they sit down and get to know eachother more)

Skylar: oh my gosh! Look at the time I really am sorry but I have to go

Reed: wait can I get your number?

Skylar: (smiles a little) sure give me your phone and I'll hand you mine

Reed: okay

(They exchange numbers)

Skylar: alright I should get going bye reed

Reed: bye I'll call you

Skylar: looking forward to it

Skylar's pov

I looked down at my phone and I realized I have been gone for almost an hour my brother is going to kill me! I got to the house and walked inside.

End of pov

Skylar: I am so so sorry I am late I was in line and someone bumped into me and my drink spilled and the line was by then huge and..

Hayes: well that explains why your all wet

Trevor: and smell like coffee

Sam: hey take a breath calm down we are not mad

Skylar: wait your not?

Sam: no you have been good these past three days I figured I would give you the benefit of the doubt

Skylar: oh okay then

Matt: oh that reminds me so we talked to keat, Wes and tyler and since we should have some music acts the boys agreed to come on tour and we leave tomorrow

Skylar: oh uh okay well I'll go pack

(She goes upstairs)

Skylar's pov

Can my life can get any worse!? It was bad enough living with these guys and now emblem3 are joining!! Not only that but I am going to be the only girl and I am the youngest!!! I swear my life is just going down the damn drain.

End of Pov

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