Chapter 17

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Skylar's pov
So this is my life now going to tutoring then to the hotel and then the bus, oh and I talk to reed, Carly and Beatrice whenever I can. I will admit my life is pretty boring now and I miss going out so so much. I never realized how hard this good girl change was going to be and I feel like I am at my breaking point. The hate has gotten worse and mrs. Arca has gotten more annoying! And I honestly feel like a bomb and any moment I am going to explode! Anyways right now I am with mrs. Arca and I am not paying attention. And she just noticed so uh oh.
End of pov
Mrs arca: skylar are you listening!?!
Skylar: not really (says in a bored tone)
Mrs. Arca: okay skylar I have you a break yesterday but I am not kidding anymore pay attention
Skylar: yeah yeah
Mrs. Arca: skylar please stop the attitude
Skylar: what attitude? I don't have an attitude (says innocently)
Mrs: arca: okay let's just do some literature
Skylar: yippie (says in a bored tone)
Mrs. Arca: okay you know what
Skylar: what?
Mrs. Arca: I am getting really tired of your side comments
Skylar: well I am just bored period
Mrs. Arca: I don't care if you are bored you need to learn theses things now I am going to give you one last warning before I call your brother and I know you don'd want that do you?
Skylar: I honestly don't care
Miss. Arca: oh really? You don't
Skylar: no I don't call him and see if I give a s***t
Miss. Arca: language!
Skylar: do I have to repeat myself I don't give a s***t!
Miss. Arca: okay you know what skylar I have had to put up with you for a month now and I am done so I am calling your brother and that's that!
Skylar: whatever
(Miss arca walks out of the room and calls sam and several minutes later sam, kian and Ricky enter and they are mad and miss. Arca looks very upset, miss arca turns to look at sam)
Miss arca: look mr. Pottorff i have had to deal with skylar since I got here and I can't do it anymore
Ricky: wait I am sure we could think of something
Miss arca: mr. Dillon I have tried very hard getting skylar to focus and pay attention now I honestly don't mind explaining something to a child if they need help as long as they work with me
Kian: right and skylar does what exactly?
Miss. Arca: she doesn't care and that is something I do not tolerate if they don't get it fine I will help but if they don't care then I won't do it
Sam: skylar cares don't you sky?
Skylar: (scoffs) yeah okay
Miss. Arca: and her side comments no that's it I am done goodbye! (She storms out of the room and the boys turn to skylar)
Sam: hotel room now
Skylar: be more specific
Sam: walk to the hotel room now!
Skylar: fiine (she starts walking and the boys follow her and when they get there all the boys are in the room)
Sam: sit
Skylar: woof (and then sits on the bed)
Sam: okay explain this to us you said that you were doing well and she even let you go early yesterday because you got all your work done
Skylar: right so what's your point?
Trevor: were you lying to us about that
Skylar: well you tell me I mean she quit so what does that tell you
Ricky: that you lied to us
Skylar: bingo
Jc: sky I thought you said you were going to behave what changed? (Says in a disappointed voice)
Skylar: nothing! (Says coldly)
Sam: skylar don't talk to him like that!
Skylar: whatever look if your going to punish me can we just get it over with
Sam: no in fact your grounded and then tonight you will get punished because we have our last show here in New York
Skylar: wait I thought the your ways longer
Sam: yeah that's why I said New York and then we go back on the bus and head to Chicago
Skylar: ohh okay
Keaton: wait but what are we going to do about her school since we don's have a tutor
Sam: well the way I see it is since we are the only ones who really know skylar and we have the homeschool stuff we could do it
Skylar: you guys be my teachers!? Ha ha ha yeah good one really funny
Sam: I am serious
Kian: yeah I guess that could work
Skylar: what!? No no i could just do online school but with out the persona tutor trust me I would rather you guys not teach me! (Says in a desperate voice)
Jc: no I think what sam came up with was a really good idea but right now we have rehearsal so we will see you later
Sam: the door is going to be locked so don't try and leave and I expect you to have this attitude gone by the time we get back
Skylar: whatever bye
Boys: bye (they leave)
Skylar's pov
Finally I am alone!! I am actually surprised they didn't make me go with them but at the same time I am glad because I really don't want to deal with the girls. Look there's something that needs to be told and I need to get it off my chest and it's something the boys can never find out. Se while we were in Orlando I went to the mall and yes I snuck out, but anyways while I was there a group of girls and a couple of guys came at me and since I had tried to change I really lost my defense power so i had no choice but to let them beat me up. After that I decided I was going to turn tough and not take s***t from anyone anymore including the boys. I learned that the world is a tough place and if you care then you'll get hurt in the end, I mean look at what happened to my best friend she's dead!! So you have to stick up for yourself no matter who they are and also live life to the fullest because you can go at any minute of any day and that's what I am going to do! But the door is locked so not right now so I might as well just watch the fosters it's one of my favorite shows! What I would do to meet Jake t austin!! So after two more hours the boys came back and they were in a somewhat better mood I guess.

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